[闲聊] 咕咕鲁开放pixel/android自愿离职

楼主: JIWP (JIWP)   2025-01-31 13:02:39
The Platforms & Devices team is offering a voluntary exit program that
provides US-based Googlers working on this team the ability to voluntarily
leave the company with a severance package. This comes after we brought two
large organizations together last year. There’s tremendous momentum on this
team and with so much important work ahead, we want everyone to be deeply
committed to our mission and focused on building great products, with speed
and efficiency
Google 开放 Platforms & Devices 组织内的美国员工申请自愿离职
这个组织应该是包含了 Android/Pixel/gChips... 等等软硬件单位
作者: SecondRun (雨夜琴声)   2025-01-31 13:14:00
作者: sustainer123 (caster)   2025-01-31 13:51:00

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