Re: [取暖] Last Epoch

楼主: SecondRun (雨夜琴声)   2023-09-09 23:47:54
※ 引述《argorok (死肥肥)》之铭言:
: 这0.9.2更新的中文翻译废到笑
: 打开看一下根本玩不下去 看讨论区也是喷得多
: 等正式版再开起来玩了==
We wanted to get localization into our community's hands before 1.0 so we
could have time to get feedback from our global player base on it, and get it
as clean as possible for 1.0. We are happy to say that we will be including
this feature in patch 0.9.2. Our community has been the biggest part of what
makes Last Epoch what it is from its very beginning, so being able to support
an even larger community across the world is an amazing milestone to reach,
and we're super excited to see all the new players joining the fray in Eterra.
作者: argorok (   2023-09-09 23:50:00
楼主: SecondRun (雨夜琴声)   2023-09-09 23:51:00
因为现在就只是机翻 做个空间出来而已
作者: argorok (   2023-09-09 23:54:00
喔喔 那看来要等采蘑菇把翻译丢上去了
楼主: SecondRun (雨夜琴声)   2023-09-09 23:55:00
是说我重玩了第一章 也改太多了==改这些不如早点把新职业做完==

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