scmono (摸诺)
2023-07-14 11:56:47※ 引述《miHoYo (米哈游)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《peter6666712 (fellatrix)》之铭言:
: : https://cnn.it/3NT55rJ
: : The decision, published in The Lancet Oncology, placed aspartame in the same cat
: : egory as red meat and extremely hot drinks over 149 degrees Fahrenheit — meanin
: : g the science was not as conclusive as it is for benzene, asbestos, diesel engin
: : e fuel, tobacco and outdoor air pollution, all known carcinogens.
: : 这段是在说啥
: : 阿斯巴甜跟149华氏以上的饮料和红肉有一样致癌性?
: : 那还有什么能吃的
: : 太苦了
: 这样说好ㄌ
: 考杯 你文章不看清楚的嬷==
: However, the Expert Committee on Food Additives, a joint advisory committee of
: the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World
: Health Organization, concluded in 2013 there is no convincing evidence from
: experimental, animal or human studies that aspartame has adverse effects after
: ingestion — as long as levels are within the acceptable daily intake of 40
: milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
: 没有直接证据表明 就算你吃
: 只要不高于你体重每一公斤40MG都没事
: 如果你60K 你要喝12~36罐才有可能有不确定的致癌风险
: 你活在台湾吸一天的废气都比这严重几万倍
22839-47-0 Aspartame 2B
阿斯巴甜属于2B 有可能会造成癌症
我们来看同为2B 有哪些
Pickled vegetables (traditional Asian) 传统亚洲醃菜
Arecoline 槟榔碱
Magnetic fields, extremely low-frequency 超低频磁场
再来看看 更危险的2A通常是放什么
Red meat (consumption of) 红肉
老实说我了解的也不是很深入 他那张表 我大部分都看不懂