yoche2000 (Sushi Desu! 在下寿司)
2022-01-22 16:39:42范文参考
Pekora and Miko are two of my favorite virtual Youtubers. The relationship
between these two is precious. Since I admire the chemisitry between them, I
personally invested a lot into it. They were best friends since the NicoNico
era, so I thought there was no way for this couple to stray away from each
It was one Christmas, the couple appeared on a stream after an iconic song
representing their relationship. The stream was terrific and was some of the
sweetest on-screen moment I have ever encountered in my life. But then, the
distance between these two started to stretch. It was truely devastating seeing
the couple that I invested on a lot to come to this situation.
At the same time, my cash was shorting and all my investment was bearish.
I was not able to pay my rent, so I moved out of my apartment. All I had was a
baggage with all my belongings, walking along the streets not knowing where to
go. Suddenly, it started raining. All I could do was to run into a park in the
front. The park became my shelter for the following months.
Autumn came, and one day I was napping under the rain in the middle of the park.
The wind was chilly, and I was watching the Hololive Sport Festival stream.
During paragliding Pekora was quite timid. Tension started to rise in the
stream and also the park. Miko showed up and encouraged Pekora, and Pekora made
a perfect landing.
It was then, the park, with PekoMieko investors filled, bursted with cheer and
tear. We were right all along, although people look down on us all the time.
The rain stopped and the sun shone into the park. Hope and happiness was
everywhere. We had nothing but our belief on PekoMiko. It was on that day I
encountered with my ideal park.
※ 引述《leftavoid (夜空メル的かぷ民)》之铭言:
: https://udn.com/news/story/122402/6052272
: 今天是大学学测第二天,首科考英文。
: 作文以公园入题,第一段要求描述比较不同类型的公园,第二段要发挥想像力,写心目中
: 理想的公园,贴近生活且考验表达能力。
: 公园...