SuicidePeko (string int = true;)
2021-12-10 18:31:26※ 引述《qaz911420 (Fan)》之铭言
: RT
As title
: 星街 holo成员都说很正 乃很扁的女人
: 曾经说过自己完全没有恋爱经验
: 综合其神经病的个性 混混般的言谈 与整天对着偶像纸片男发情的行为来看
: 此项叙述的可能性有百分之九十以上
: 但我认为像星街这样的正妹之所以没有男友 一定还有别的原因
: 那原因就是....
Hoshimachi. Members of hololive all agree that
she's a beautiful, flat woman.
Considering the facts that she's got crazy personality, talks like a ganster and
does sex with holostars everyday,
such statement is very possible to be true.
However, I think there must be a reason why a fine woman like Hoshimachi still d
oesn't have boyfriend till today.
And the reason is...
: 她喜欢我
She's in love with me.
: 没错 就是她喜欢我
: 至于原因为何 且听我细细道来
Yes, she loves me.
And why's that? Hear me explain.
: 众所周知 日本男人的身材都屌他妈烂
: 审美的天平也是朝着杰尼斯系娘砲的方向大幅倾斜
: 而日本的男人为了吸引大部分女人的目光 一定会会刻意让自己变成娘砲
: 久而久之 日本街上就都是娘砲了
: 星街一定是因为看腻了日本娘砲 才坚持守身到如今的八
Everybody knows that japanese men all got shit virgin body.
Their ideal image of men also leans towards japanese idol fuckboys alot.
Thus, in order to attract more women in Japan, Japanese men have no choice but t
o become fuckboys too.
That's why you don't see real men in japanese streets nowadays.
Hoshimachi definitely is tired of these shitty femboys, thats why she's deligent
ly protecting her virginity until today.
: 而我 有可能就是她喜欢的类型
: 甚至 她其实就是去喜欢我 只是碍于身份 不方便表白罢了
: 你们缩对不对?
And me, I might just be the type she's into.
Maybe she's even already in love with me, but she can't propose due to her job.
Don't you guys agree??