For years, tell all your fans you're a lonely virgin who was bullied in school
for being fat in order to maximize simp bucks.
这几年 妳告诉你的粉丝你是边缘处女 在学校因为太胖被同学霸凌 为了要赚钱 假装自己
Sexually harass your coworkers, but they don't mind that much because you're a
self professed virgin loser who's just lonely and in need of physical contact
and so are seen as mostly harmless.
对你的同事性骚扰 但它们不是很在意 因为你是一个自称是处女的边缘鲁蛇 所以他们并不觉得你有害
Some guy on twitter keeps telling people he made it with you so you freak out
on your roommate account and tell everyone you haven't had a boyfriend in over
4 years, exposing your lie about being a virgin.
某个男的在推特一直说有跟你做爱过 所以你就在佐藤希的帐号发推 说自己已经单身超过
四年了 没想到戳破之前说自己是边缘处女的谎言
Cry on stream while being princess carried to masters by predators in APEX.
被两个顶猎Carry一路躺到大师 结果在实况中哭的好像都靠自己
Spend hundreds of thousands of yen (several $1000) on akasupas for some random
dude's youtube channel
Ask Coco for her Line contact info, only for her to respond, "Ew, gross".
跟会长要LINE的帐号 只因为会长说了一句 呕 好恶
The drama with Haachama is some of the worst interpersonal drama in Hololive
history only because you made it public in the most unprofessional way
心祭大战是Hololive历史上最糟糕的一场人际关系闹剧 就因为你这样不动脑就随便公开
Constantly flirt with male collab partners in front of your viewers, regularly
telling them you'll send them nudes if they want them.
在你粉丝面前不断调情跟你连动的男V 还跟男V们说如果你们想要我的裸照 我可以传给你
Literally in the middle of saying "I haven't had a boyfriend for over four yea
-" THE HAND appears. You make up the most obvious lie possible, but are still
willing to needlessly worry your most loyal and gullible fans.
在实况中说已经超过四年没有男朋友 才说到一半 那只手就出现了 你了编一个超烂的谎
言 让你最铁的粉丝们去无谓的为你担心
Despite all of this, you're never once punished by Hololive management and
instead are featured in more and more promotions, which probably only means
one thing.
尽管这样 但你从来没有被Cover处罚过 还是可以在越来越多工商宣传当主角
People realize that guy on twitter from earlier in the year was probably
telling the truth and was actually some guy she had a one night stand with.
这证明了一件事 年初那个在推特发推说跟你做爱过的那个男人 很有可能说的就是事实
之前有一个旧版的 更多更长
只是字好多 而且太旧的META我也看不懂