[闲聊] Lovely Pussy

楼主: timsun105 (天冷反而不想睡)   2021-07-24 00:37:52
The owl and the pussy
went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat.
They took some honey and plenty money
wrapped up in a five pound note.
The owl looked up,to the stars above
and sang to a small guitar.
"Oh lovely Pussy,oh Pussy my love! "
"What a beautiful Pussy you are,you are,you are."
"What a beautiful Pussy you are!"
Pussy said to the Owl:
"You elegant fowl,how charmingly sweet you sing!"
Oh let us be married
too long we had tarried.
But what shall we do for a ring...
这两天一直想帮这段词编曲 当初看漫画的时候
就觉得这段挺美的 很有意境
那么 属于我的Owl 你在哪呢?
作者: a1234555 (肉宝宝)   2021-07-24 00:40:00
作者: Jaka (Jaka)   2021-07-24 00:43:00
是Pussy-cat这是英国Edward Lear的诗
楼主: timsun105 (天冷反而不想睡)   2021-07-24 00:44:00
喔对耶 第一句是pussycat没错后面才是简称
作者: Jaka (Jaka)   2021-07-24 00:46:00
虽然太不好听 但其实是指很温柔的人 挺有趣的xd
作者: buzz1067 (buzz1067)   2021-07-24 00:59:00

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