ILoveElsa (S级18位 梓喵酱油瓶)
2020-11-16 20:42:55明天有lab的英文课
老师要大家准备一段短片 跟一些问题
You ever watch a cum compilation and realize, is this gay?
Nothing wrong with it.
Like dam.. I was watching a cum compilation.
And I was like, like five cums in, and I was like,
damn.. these are huge cum shots bro.
And then I realize like, am I watching for the guy cuming a lot?
Because it's like me cuming?
Or... you know...
But at the end of the day you're watching cause the.. the girl..
the girls' reaction to a lot of cum right? ..right?
I don't know. Whatever.
问题1 请问你们有看过cum compilation吗? 可以谈谈自己的感想吗? 没有的话,为什么?
问题2 请问你们觉得看cum compilation是gay的行为吗? 原因?
问题3 想不到