Little boy, lift your head and carry on
We're gonna save your life
With an a cappella song
With a scooby scoob
And a bap chooiah
Little boy, you're gonna be just fine
Ooh woolen hats
Ah bap, leather straps
Ooh smile
Look on your face like you know jesus personally
Now, let's go fight those bullies
With a cappella's strongest weapon
It's the, 'we can do any style' trick
Come on
Come on
Hip hop rap!
Yo yo yo
Gangsta man
My vocal cords
Is my gun
※ 引述《genie529 (我太帅了吧)》之铭言:
: 刚刚帮小朋友洗澡发现他大腿内侧有一大片瘀青
: 问了才知道竟然是被同学欺负
: 还被踢ㄌㄐㄐ
: 话说之前他姊姊才发生关系霸凌
: 怎么一家子都特别容易被欺负ㄋ