※ 引述《geniuswind (天才旋风)》之铭言:
: https://www.spysparrow.com/story/279/naked-news-presenter-shows-her-amazing-bo
: ob-painting-skills-in-arousing-show/
: Naked news network’s anchor woman is definitely not new to controversy thanks
: to her insanely arousing show. This time, however, the buttons might have bee
: n pushed further when she decided to follow her instincts during the latest ep
: isode of the all-bare show Deciding to paint using her boobs, the stripped dow
: n presenter soaked her assets in an assortment of paint pots before smudging t
: hem on a canvas, sliding her way around them. Oblivious to the attention she a
: ttracted, she created swirls which finally began to resemble some incoherent s
: hapes. Choosing a pallet of primary colors, she was smiling all along, perhaps
: enjoying the feeling she experienced with the rubbing. She finally stood to a
: dmire her work which now resembled an abstract piece of art.Her show boast of
: attracting 6 million views at its epitome and seems to rise fast in popularity
: .
窝还是听噗太懂非洲人说得英语 ==
(づ′・ω・)づ ~