[心得] 赛后评分 United v Newcastle

楼主: rik (加油加油~)   2017-11-20 15:55:49
M.E.N. https://goo.gl/aDfpUk
Paul Pogba great and Anthony Martial good
David de Gea - 7
Well beaten by Dwight Gayle as he conceded a home league goal for the first
time since April but made a crucial save from Isaac Hayden to preserve
United's half-time lead.
Antonio Valencia - 6
Should have had an assist with an early cross for Romelu Lukaku but the
Belgian shot over. Had to effectively occupy two roles due to United's right
wing issues.
Victor Lindelof - 5
At fault for Gayle's goal and looked insecure. One cross for Lukaku was a
glimpse of what he could bring to the attack.
Chris Smalling - 6
All over the place for the goal and still looks unsteady next to Lindelof.
Stooped indomitably to put United ahead late in the first-half.
Ashley Young - 7
Provided the cross for another vital goal to sustain his good form after an
atypically shaky start when he got caught out for Gayle's strike.
Paul Pogba - 9 (有神快拜!)
United might be 'The Paul Pogba Team'. An outstanding comeback from the
Frenchman, who shimmied like Zinedine Zidane to set up Anthony Martial and
killed off Newcastle.
Nemanja Matic - 6
Got swamped by Newcastle's counter-attack early on but eventually settled and
improved once United got a foothold in the game.
Juan Mata - 6
Failed to take his chance as the No.10 and was shifted to the right. Tidy
throughout without ever concerning the visitors' defence.
Marcus Rashford - 7
Pointless starting him in the right wing. Rashford was still full of
endeavour and provided a classy and clever header for Pogba.
Anthony Martial - 7
Got up well to nod in United's equaliser and was enterprising on the left
flank. Did enough to merit another go there against Brighton on Saturday.
Romelu Lukaku - 7
Missed a chance early on he would likely have converted in August. Hold up
play was better, did superbly for Pogba's goal and ended his drought.
Marouane Fellaini - 6
Steady in midfield.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic - 7
Looked fit and sharp. Forced a save.
Ander Herrera - 6
Helped secure United's lead.
作者: rickysilence (CK)   2017-11-20 16:06:00
作者: Muarean (莫河球)   2017-11-20 16:28:00
伊布时间这么少也有7分 XD
作者: Afafa (阿發發)   2017-11-20 17:25:00
作者: football ( la pasión )   2017-11-20 18:04:00
不过老实说重看了那个被进 2守4 整体防守都有问题他摔倒就只能自己扛责任就是新赞助商 Melitta/ 'Official Coffee Partner'.
作者: blackeagle (爱上天使)   2017-11-20 19:03:00
作者: s9321312 (小凯)   2017-11-20 20:06:00
养成拉莫思吧XD 防守不重要 出球和压上进攻头锤抢点给他点到满 哈哈
作者: DiMammaMia (DiMammaMia)   2017-11-20 20:07:00
作者: vanPersie20 (范佩西)   2017-11-20 20:15:00
作者: louis8520 (歐麻麻)   2017-11-20 20:32:00
作者: mmonkeyboyy (great)   2017-11-20 20:56:00
拉莫斯刚出道还蛮烂的......是烂到可以做搞笑特集那种 不过想学拉莫斯要先学会越位啊...黑客场卖不错 惊~~~~ 我还觉得有点...有点...那个被进真的是如四楼说的后防线都烂掉的结果看来还是去马德里打劫两球队的球星来才是正解
作者: DiMammaMia (DiMammaMia)   2017-11-20 21:09:00
作者: JBLs (我是谁我是谁我是谁)   2017-11-20 21:15:00
作者: s9321312 (小凯)   2017-11-20 21:18:00
还都葡萄牙来的.....黑店近来货的品质有点不稳XD没有售后服务 要买家自己修就对了
作者: mmonkeyboyy (great)   2017-11-20 21:24:00
ROJO有身体 他一来我就这么说了 有身体没脑L2有身高 但速度转身等一般 不知道脑能不能补上但我觉得不是不可造之材 再多给他点时间吧除了转身这点要再看看@[email protected]
作者: KrisNYC (Kris)   2017-11-20 22:01:00
rojo是汉草好 他资料187跟林德洛夫一样高 运动性不用比了目前脑子是确实都刚来的水准 林德洛夫只有赢那个高吊传上一个转身也这么悲剧结果有练好的是vidic 但是vidic从头到尾都有一个宁可我领黄领红 也要把你留下的犯规胆林德洛夫目前这鸟样 什么东西都要看两秒 我比小林还悲观能打我脸最好 但是我比较希望rojo直接把他压板凳冰到卖现在真心没那个时间跟积分练中卫 每一个失误都是妥妥一球
作者: mmonkeyboyy (great)   2017-11-20 22:08:00
哎 这就是中卫要买大中卫 鲁一只都可以这么贵的原因vidic其实是因为隔壁另一支很强...里欧弗迪男不是盖的 进攻防守补位断腿都是一流的也造成后来这两只+VDS各司其职 打造曼联黄金后防啊当然VIDIC后来也是修改了一下 转身不快就加强侧身断球和挤压入球空间+制空....还真的蛮强的XD
作者: LiamTiger (Liam)   2017-11-20 23:10:00
就说L2一个半赛季后再来看看....才来三个月就水货水货叫 Vidic以前各种滑倒被过不就垃圾?
作者: Muarean (莫河球)   2017-11-20 23:26:00
要学RAMOS要先学越位 XDD 我承认我有笑哪有中卫像他天天在越位的.. XDDD
作者: louis8520 (歐麻麻)   2017-11-20 23:31:00
作者: KrisNYC (Kris)   2017-11-20 23:38:00
作者: mmonkeyboyy (great)   2017-11-21 01:45:00
说到断球 我好怀念阿菇式傻笑铲球和ALAN SMITH锋线断球 XD 都是好久以前的人了~
作者: qasdf (onetwo)   2017-11-21 03:00:00
才来多久,英超需要时间适应,不说vidic, rojo 当初表现也超烂啊
作者: josh28 (Totti)   2017-11-21 08:02:00
作者: Nakata0911 (夏亚 阿兹纳布 )   2017-11-21 09:28:00
ALAN SMITH 我们对不太起他吧 买来没多久硬改后腰结果伤了就废了
作者: mmonkeyboyy (great)   2017-11-21 09:52:00
他真的皇马出道就是要踢中卫 后来才打防中 再来才打右后 最后我还是觉得他踢的是前场啦看过阿兰史密斯 好像觉得他踢防中替基恩无违和感那精准的铲球....(比他打门还准XD)
作者: Muarean (莫河球)   2017-11-21 10:03:00
身为中卫, Ramos已经帮皇马进了49球.. www错字, 是中锋..这是联赛, 如果包括欧冠和杯赛是69球 XDDD
作者: josh28 (Totti)   2017-11-21 10:11:00
作者: mmonkeyboyy (great)   2017-11-21 10:12:00
所以我说他是前场啊....那精美的花式越位尤其是他升到队长级之后 根本全场都是他家随便跑但我到是觉得变成他这样的话 英超....应该有点难混
作者: josh28 (Totti)   2017-11-21 10:14:00
作者: mmonkeyboyy (great)   2017-11-21 10:15:00
我没记错 拉莫斯是打破各种纪录 什么年龄之类的不过他出道真的是......说到他一定要说他好兄弟皮克....这....当年可是....唉
作者: Muarean (莫河球)   2017-11-21 10:24:00
Ramos的入球数> Bale+Modric 这你敢信? XDD
作者: KrisNYC (Kris)   2017-11-21 11:16:00
呃 ramos跟rojo还比较像吧 汉草跟运动能力爆表 站位什么的就是偶尔灵光偶尔没纪律或神经刀 L2慢成这样不可能吧

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