◆ 播新闻停播两天
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 周五隐藏版 #Mkhitaryan http://imgur.com/a/dsUpj
"选择。我分析Leicester的比赛 认为我们需要Lingard的速度,面对Bournemouth 我
认为他们会压迫地非常厉害,而像Mata这样的球员 往内走可以在对方的压迫间找到
一些空档,这对我们来说非常有用,而且我两场比赛都决定让Rooney上场 这就是为
我所想到的是为球队选出最好的球员。在这两场比赛 Mata & Lingard是球队最好的
选择,他们已经适应英超的现实 所以我做出这个决定,但是Mkhitaryan是一位超级
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 周五隐藏版 #Sir Alex & Pogba
"我们之间就这件事交换过一些意见 我知道Sir Alex当时做了一切努力、俱乐部做了
不要害怕再次签下同一名球员,如果你失去一位球员 这并不代表着机会出现时,你
就不能带他回来! Chelsea在Nemanja Matic犯过一样的错误,几年之后我敦促俱乐部
做这笔交易。过去我们犯了一个错误 为何要再犯相同的错呢? 于是Pogba又回来了
我认为如果他当初留下来的话,他自然也会成长为现在这样的Pogba , 但事实就是
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 周五隐藏版 #Pogba http://imgur.com/a/dsUpj
"Paul能和Ronaldo & Messi进一样多球吗? 我认为甚至不到25%吧 我认为他没办法在
一个赛季进20球。世界上最好的球员意味着得进很多球吗? 不是这样的吧! 他是世界
上最好的中场球员之一 或许 我可以说他是世界上最好的中场球员!
这也是他来到这里的目的 - 赢得冠军。
我不期待他第一次触球就连过五人取得神奇的入球,我期待的是 他第一次触球就能
做出正确的传球、良好的传球选择、简单地执行任务 让比赛流畅进行。所以这也许
不会是立即的'影响' 也许只是球队自然地进步,因为他是一名超级足球选手。
当你提到世界上最好的球员 你会立刻想到进很多球的球员,你不会把金球奖颁给
一位守门员,曾经有一次给过Cannavaro 因为在那个赛季他是世界杯冠军意大利的
◆ 曼联 http://goo.gl/H5cssw
Luke Shaw
"有时候大家会说 也许Mourinho不喜欢他的边后卫前插,但并不是如此。他允许两名
边后卫向前进攻 不过当然不会同时向前,如果我有找到机会的话 是由我来决定是否
向前走。我并没有一定要留在后方 或做一些特定的事情,我可以自由发挥,而唯一
"我在那里待了很棒的十年 我真的很期待看到一些曾经一起踢球的队友。"
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 #不会为Pogba改变阵型,但可以改变细节。
"Sometimes even without you noticing we change details,So if you are
expecting us to change dramatically the system to fit the player, we are
not going to do that. We are not going to play with five at the back,
because at Juventus he was playing with five at the back and he played
there for many years in that system, we are not going to do that, so we
are not going for dramatic changes.
But there are details in the game that we have to change. Against
Leicester, I played Michael Carrick, against Bournemouth I played Ander
Herrera, they are different players,and because they are different players
we change the way they play, we changed the way Fellaini played, because
Fellaini was the one that was playing with them.
So when we play with Schneiderlin or Pogba, or the guys we have, then
there are always details that will be changed but not the master lines of
our model of play."
◆ The Mail 麦克鸡冈 http://imgur.com/Luxnuty
不过如果有合适的人选突然出现 情况可能会有改变。
一位新援,但是事情总是变化很快,目前除了一些准备出租的球员外 预计不会有其
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 #Jose Fonte
"I don't comment, I don't care. The market is open until 31st August, but I
am very happy with the players I have. I don't talk about players from
other clubs."
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 #Bailly
"He is a young boy playing in a completely different competition with a
different club, but despite all the pressure and expectation that comes
with playing for United, he plays against Leicester at Wembley and is
comfortable, leading and communicative."
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 #Zlatan
"I see him happy. I ask about his family, his wife, his kids - I know how
important these things are to him - integration, house and everything is
fine and everybody is happy. He has a very high motivation, so I see him
here, no doubts, for the next two years."
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 #是否可以带回老特拉福德的恐惧因子?
"Not me. Not me. The team yes and the fans too and I think everything
starts there, the relation between the team and the fans. If at Old
Trafford a couple for thousand away opponents can be more supportive and
more noisy than 70 something thousand then we are in trouble and it means
that there is no connection between the team and the supporters. If there
is connection I think that factor of being strong at home has to be back.
But I think everything starts with that relation between the team and the
fans. The way the team plays and the way the team behaves, that includes
the mental approach, if the fans they feel that connection and if the fans
play, there is no chance for the opponent."
◆ Mourinho 赛前记者会 #Pogba
Pogba is ready to play "some minutes" on Friday night.
"We played with some players against Leicester with less training than Paul
We have guys coming back from the Euros and holidays, one week of training
and they play against Leicester not at the top of their game, not ready
for 90 minutes, but they played and they performed. It was a good way for
them to accelerate this process of their form.
Paul is training for more than a week. Around 10 or 11 days.The adaptation
is really easy because he is a boy who is here, he knows the club,he knows
everybody, no need to adapt, he needs time to build his condition and his
understanding of the way the team plays or tries to play.
So I think, yes he is ready to play. Ninety minutes I don't believe, super
performance I don't believe, but in conditions to accelerate his process
and integration into the team that is for sure."
◆ MUTV https://goo.gl/gHuJVD
"我会回来是因为我想要回来! 而且曼联也表现出他们希望我回来。我认为现在是正确
的时机 这里有着一位伟大的教练、顶级的球员及新的球队。我在这里长大 曼彻斯特
感觉就像我的家乡一样,回到这里的感觉很正常,因为我只是回家了! 不是很多人了
解这点,他们会说'噢 曼联可是对他做过这种事' whatever,I am very happy. 我
"我确定Mourinho会让我进步 他知道该怎么和球员们沟通、知道该如何帮助他们完成
目标。他跟我说的第一句话? 欢迎回来 谢谢你相信我们!"
"Zlatan就像是大家的大哥哥 他总是在开玩笑,让每个人开怀大笑,但在球场上他就
是一位赢家,他和Wazza都会真正地帮助到球队 因为他们是最老的球员。Zlatan还对
我的拳击训练开玩笑说,你根本不需要做这么多 一拳就够了。"
"我已经准备好踢中场的任何一个位置 我只会上场好好享受比赛。英超? 我知道会有
更多身体碰撞 所以你得踢其他球员,裁判会告诉你:'比赛继续进行'。"
◆ The Telegraph John Percy http://imgur.com/MWaOnN2
Mourinho已经确认要让James Wilson租借出去锻炼 两家英冠俱乐部Derby & Fulham
正在竞争中 他们都希望在本周末之前完成租借。Wilson与曼联还有四年合约,曼联
更衣室内对他有高度评价 所有人都认为让他前往英冠租借对彼此都有利。
◆ The Guardian http://imgur.com/PKDcDnJ
Nani #Moyes
当你签下这样的合约之后 你以为所有人都会支持着你、帮助着你,结果看到的却是
相反的情况。接着压力就来了 我很失落,而此时伴随来的正是伤病,那是很糟糕的
#van Gaal
"他告诉我如果我想要留下来拼一个位置 那很好,但我不会是他的首选,甚至不是他
的次选,我回答:'No 我在这里已经很多年了 我对这家俱乐部来说一直非常重要,我
"我还记得99年看曼联踢欧冠决赛时,当然你看到这样的球队 自然会梦想为他们效力
我告诉我的朋友'有一天 我会在曼联踢球' 美梦成真! 如果你能保持信念、认真努力
便能实现你的梦想。曼联给了我人生的全部,我视Sir Alex为父亲 他会发火、会对
着你开吹风机一分钟,但之后又会拍拍你的头说:'Come on , son.' 一开始真的很难
今天我能有强大的心理素质 大部分得归功于Sir Alex.
在曼联,每个人都是球队的一分子 我会踢重要的比赛 也会在没那么重要的比赛上场
我有过梦幻般的表现 也有过没那么出色的时刻 这就是足球。曼彻斯特在我脑海里只
有伟大的时刻,我在面对顶级球队时踢进的美妙入球 这些正是我的朋友们会记得的
事情 这也是球迷们会记得的事情,每当他们写信给我时,他们从来不会记得不好的
#Cristaino Ronaldo
"人们总是期待我能成为下一位Ronaldo 但这不公平! 我们是不同的球员、我们有不同
◆ 安迪100%
pienaar set to sign for sunderland on fri/sat.
terms agreed. been training there.
◆ M.E.N Stuart大叔 http://imgur.com/W7cpSQp
Pogba #周五Second Debut ?
"你得问问Manager 但我感觉非常好 而且我已经训练10天 I AM OKAY! 我已经习惯了
两年前是世界杯 三年前我还参加U20世界杯,所以我没问题! 我在渡假期间一直有在
"我只是开心在踢球 甚至没有想过这件事,发生就发生了 这已经抛诸脑后 我现在只
是希望能赢得英超冠军。我的野心一直以来都是要成为Number one、一直以来都是要
成为最好的球员,因此目标就是英超冠军 我们想要回到欧冠 那里才是属于曼联的
◆ Claude Puel/南安普顿Manager http://imgur.com/KLDsb1m
#Jose Fonte
"It is strange that this rumour is just before the game against United,
that it is a possibility he could become a United player. There is no
problem with Jose, he is a very good professional and has trained well
this week. It is good to have Jose with us and I hope we will have him
against United."
◆ http://imgur.com/tZ2tIFJ
今年夏天不会有'紧急租借窗口' 所有球员都得在831之前离队。
◆ Sky Sports http://imgur.com/DapE2yh
天空消息源了解到 Marcos Rojo根本不知道自己有被加入任何Jose Fonte同捆包!
的俱乐部,从球员观点看来一切都没有改变 他想要留下来为先发位置而战。
◆ The Mirror Alex Crook 圣徒安迪 http://imgur.com/u0vEELu
曼联准备将Marcos Rojo加入Jose Fonte同捆包,但现在曼联面临来自Arsenal的竞争
◆ YouTube EASPOTRS FIFA 17 预告片 https://goo.gl/0Qft9U