◆ ESPN FC 安迪100% http://imgur.com/Vwd5nNp
尤文坚持Pogba不卖 他的尤文队友们也知道他没有要离开俱乐部 尤文也提供给他
一份新合约,Pogba在都灵过得很开心 与队友相处融洽 他们认真放眼于下赛季 想要
增加两倍(脱欧前: €132m 现在: €117m 依旧足以让他成为足球史上最贵的球员)
Paul McGuinness/前曼联学院队教练
"Paul非常受到欢迎,他就像个吹笛手一样 旁边围绕着景仰他的年轻球员。Paul了解
时机. 假动作及创造性技巧的训练。Pogba Januzaj Lingard & Rashford都很喜欢
这类的训练 他们现在也展现了当时的成果。我们借由让Pogba自由发挥,使他在曼联
的训练,Paul与first-team训练时 甚至参与了更具结构化的训练环境,但我们认为
"当时对我来说是非常非常艰困的时刻 因为我非常喜爱曼彻斯特 我是个曼彻斯特人"
到现在他仍有许多朋友及青训队友待在这里。当时 Pogba的合约在2012年6月到期
曼联不想要他离开 提供给他一份价值£2万周薪的新合约,这数字仅次于曼联
即使在当时 他的家人们也都认为曼联是Pogba最好的选择,但他与新经纪人Raiola
Pogba被告知要等待时机 但就像每一位年轻球员一样 他们都很心急。Pique & Rossi
都可能会同情他的处境,在机会受到限制的情况下 他们都离开了老特拉福德。
当Pogba决定要离开曼联 俱乐部意识到他并不是在虚张声势,他们立刻跟进了一份与
尤文几乎一模一样的新合约,但绊脚石是经纪人高额的佣金 他们不愿意支付,尤文
对此却没有问题。Sir Alex失去了耐心,2月主场面对Ajax的欧霸赛事他没有被列入
Sir Alex是史上最伟大教练之一 但他在Pogba的事情上犯了很糟糕的错误。
◆ 曼联 http://goo.gl/bSMYjc
http://imgur.com/5FzfBYp Jose Mourinho (manager)
http://imgur.com/4FliAp0 Rui Faria (assistant manager)
http://imgur.com/P0dzVcw Silvino Louro (Coach)
http://imgur.com/5fqG857 Ricardo Formosinho (Coach)
http://imgur.com/TO5CRBm Carlos Lalin (Coach)
http://imgur.com/sF7SxCu Emilio Alvarez (Coach)
http://imgur.com/ehrqKoK Giovanni Cerra (analyst)
◆ Middlesbrough http://imgur.com/q6DY8tU
Valdes → Middlesbrough
◆ Sky Sports Guillem Balague http://imgur.com/YuUjiZD
问题在皇马觉得曼联愿意为Pogba支付的金额太疯狂了 他们无法匹配,我们无法确定
◆ Sky Sports Guillem Balague http://imgur.com/mgsxuyz
Pogba已经清楚表明 无论如何都是去皇马!他想要在今年夏天成为皇马的球员
他已经和席丹谈过 他想为席丹踢球,然而这无法阻止他的经纪人Raiola与其他
共识了! 我们无法确定Raiola的首选是哪里,但Pogba想要的是皇马。我们得再等
一段时间 看看事情会如何发展,唯一肯定的是 曼联&皇马都想要Pogba.
◆ Sky Sports http://imgur.com/3k9ioDn
Highest transfer fee
*Pogba £100m
Bale £85.3m
Ronaldo £80m
Neymar £73.7m
Suarez £65m
◆ Sky Sports http://imgur.com/DlhPtZR
据了解Woodward过去48小时已经开始进行Pogba谈判 可能会见到Pogba以价值£100m
破世界纪录转会费重返老特拉福德。尤文想要留下Pogba 但他们很难拒绝这样的交易
Pogba也正被皇马追求,根据Guillem Balague说法,席丹&Perez相信球员想要前往
伯纳乌。Pogba与Raiola希望等到欧洲杯结束后 再有明显的进展。
如果追求失败,据传闻指出 曼联会把注意力转向Raiola的另外一位客户 Matuidi 。
◆ Sky Sports Kaveh Solhekol http://imgur.com/smyltNX
1) Woodward过去48小时已经开始进行Pogba谈判,可能会以£100m带回Pogba
2) 如果Pogba的交易没有发生,Mautidi的名字也与曼联连系在一起。
他的经纪人? Mino Raiola!
◆ The Mail Simon Jones http://imgur.com/8ysx2lI
尤文再次向Chelsea接洽Matic 他们想要提交一份£17m的报价。Matic有兴趣前往
Chelsea并没有要放弃留下Matic ,Conte是他的粉丝
◆ M.E.N Samuel Luckhurst http://imgur.com/qtIOsHj
--source: The Bunker 卡灵顿扫地阿姨----
Mourinho得知曼联球迷有多么享受他的首场记者会 球迷们对于记者会的反馈
◆ Guillem Balague http://imgur.com/KyAZshn
Real Madrid have still got a lot to say about the Pogba transfer.
WHATEVER HAPPENS at the end, NOW it's by no means a foregone conclusion
◆ L'Equipe http://imgur.com/dEmVwVC
'巴萨 Arsenal Chelsea 曼联'
◆ The Guardian Fabrizio Romano http://imgur.com/aHsVhoe
Raiola将在欧洲杯后与尤文谈判 看看他是否能促成一笔交易让他带Pogba前往曼联
or 皇马。尤文坚持不卖,他们会用尽一切力量留住Pogba,尤文最近提供给他一份
新合约,将现有合约延长两年 薪水从€5m涨至€7m。
然而 为了在竞争中超越皇马 Mourinho希望曼联能满足球员的要求:
年薪€15.6m/£13.3m = £25.6万周薪,但这还不足以确保曼联能将Pogba带回老特
◆ M.E.N Samuel Luckhurst http://imgur.com/SZyHHyR
◆ Premier League http://imgur.com/ZXIDngM
英超史上第一场Friday night football
8/19 Manchester United v Southampton
◆ 曼联 8/9月转播分配及比赛时间 (英国时间) http://goo.gl/n4z75P
8/14 13:30 AFC Bournemouth v Manchester United (SkySports)
8/19 20:00 Manchester United v Southampton (SkySports)
8/27 17:30 Hull City v Manchester United (BT Sports)
9/10 12:30 Manchester Derby (SkySports)
9/18 12:00 Watford v Mancheste United (BT Sports)
9/24 12:30 Manchester United v Leicester City (SkySports)
时间更改 12/14 20:00 Crystal Palace v Manchester Untied (原本是12/13)
◆ Dimarzio 94% http://imgur.com/bHN6ASI
曼联已经原则上和球员达成协议 税后年薪:€13m /£11.11m = 税后£21万周薪
◆ The Mirror Darren Lewis http://imgur.com/Ih7xKVR
The SUN Paul Jiggins http://imgur.com/MHUByHj
The Mail Kirran Gill http://imgur.com/q9OH9EY
曼联准备为Pogba提交世界纪录报价£100m 他们为23岁的法国中场准备一份
◆ Sky Sports http://imgur.com/F3eCaAu
15/16联赛 Mkhitaryan vs Mata
出赛 31 38
入球 11 6
助攻 15 5
机会制造 83 53
◆ Mourinho
"First of all let me say, we bought the player who was voted best in the
French league and with Micki the best in Bundesliga."
"It was voted by the players, to me that means more, it shows you are
valued by your fellow professionals."
"Micki is a fantastic player but what I like more is the number of goals
he scores when not being a striker."
"Micki has a good concept of collective play. We will face teams with a
very defensive profile and he has a good change of speed."
◆ Politiken 丹麦 http://imgur.com/msjH9vb
曼联进一步建立起全球球探网络,他们已经签下丹麦球探Tommy Møller Nielsen
教练 还曾经收到他们的国家队教练职务邀请。
本周他会观看Brøndby vs Valur Reykjavik的欧霸资格赛,之后会飞往巴西看奥运。
"我与曼联达成了一份非常好的协议 他们将会投入很多资金在球探上,并且将职员扩
展到15人 且都是全职工作,分散在世界各地。我是一名教练 也想要再次执教 但这
是个非常令人兴奋 非常有趣的工作! 我得到一份最高足球水平的工作 我非常开心"
◆ MUTV http://goo.gl/JiCgDX 影片
"I am very excited, it is a big opportunity for me to play for Manchester.
It is a huge challenge for me."
"He was a big factor, this is one of the biggest clubs of the world.
I am happy to be here."
"When he was playing I couldn't understand football, when he died I got it
and now have achieved my dream."
"To look back maybe I had a long wait to come here but this isn't the
highest point I can reach, I can go further."
"It is one of the biggest championships in the world and I am very happy
to be part of it."
"Januzaj is one of my friends, I was always in touch with him, he asked me
if I was joining, I said I don't know."
"I think everyone was waiting for this transfer deal and I am happy
everyone in Armenia can be proud of me,"
"It will be strange to meet my ex teammates in my first game, maybe I will
have some emotion but whatever MUFC is my new team."
"I have heard about that and I think I will be ready for this."
"I will try to do my best and keep matching the goals I have set
in the last years."
"I haven't played in Old Trafford yet but for me it is one of the most
amazing stadiums in the world."
"Dear fans I will be very glad to see you in the stadium and I will do my
very best to make Manchester a winning team.
◆ https://goo.gl/imDWDN 影片
Mkhitaryan - Welcome to Manchester United!
by Juan Mata Touch
◆ 曼联 https://goo.gl/9kXyPy 影片
◆ http://imgur.com/71XjodT
◆ 曼联 https://goo.gl/6vGSO7
TW 23:30 MUTV Mkhitaryan专访
◆ Mkhitaryan twitter http://imgur.com/T5nl6Ve
A dream come true! So happy to join @ManUtd, a club I always admired for
its history & fans!
◆ 曼联 https://goo.gl/vSOIoS 影片
◆ Mourinho http://goo.gl/urcRIW
"Henrikh是名非常有天赋的球员 他为自己的俱乐部及国家队带来丰厚的成果 他是
一名真正的团队球员,有着高超的技巧 视野 还有出色的入球能力,我很高兴他选择
与曼联签约,我相信他会非常迅速为球队带来影响力 因为他的打法非常适合英超
◆ Mkhitaryan http://goo.gl/urcRIW
"我很荣幸能够加入曼联,这次转会对我来说是美梦成真 能够为如此辉煌历史的
俱乐部效力 我倍感兴奋! 希望我能长时间成为这里的一份子 我很感激俱乐部及
Mourinho对我的信心。最后 我相信是因为从小对父亲的记忆 他所带给我的启发
◆ 曼联官宣!!! http://imgur.com/XiE65Ls
欢迎Mkhitaryan!!!! 签下4+1年合约
◆ 曼联相官 Craig Norwood
◆ http://imgur.com/G4TAiAq
Bailly已经入住The Lowry Hotel
◆ YouTube https://goo.gl/1h8dOh
Rashford 2016
◆ CNN http://imgur.com/jlER7g6
"充满未知的未来令我感到兴奋,在职业生涯中 我自己从来不是那种会回顾过往的人
我总是向前看齐,我很享受最后几年在曼联当教练的日子 我想要继续走下去! 终究
我决定要靠自己的力量成为一名Manager,我在Sir Alex & van Gaal身边学到很多
Jose Mourinho当然是一名顶级的Manager 曼联一直都得是能夺冠的俱乐部
◆ http://imgur.com/a/vqmWE 相簿
◆ The Mail 麦克鸡冈 http://imgur.com/BYHGyjM
◆ SportBILD Christian Falk http://imgur.com/jtVWUZp
◆ Calcio e Finanza http://imgur.com/pX09oFJ
我们都知道Ibrahimovic是名足球巨星,但他在商界也非常活跃! 最近才刚推出个人
品牌的伊布 已经让自己投身于金融界。他与Verratti, Maxwell, Sirigu一起创立
一家控股公司 Cirooo S.R.L 他们已经投资了€10000/£8550在这家公司上。
伊布是大股东(58%) 其他三人各占14%股权,他们成立这家控股公司的名目是
'购买,销售及管理投资于公司行号或任何形式上的公共团体 '
◆ AS Guillem Balague http://imgur.com/5BVYutd
正如预期 曼联正在寻找世界级的球星,他们最大的吸引力就是钱与Mourinho。他在
记者会上所提到的第四人正是Pogba!Mourinho疯狂般地追求Pogba 但皇马也是如此。
如Mourinho所说 四位引援到位后他们才会松一口气,曼联的转会市场才会正式开启
无论是自愿or非自愿 有些球员会离开俱乐部(Mata应该是其中之一) 曼联仍需要
引进这些球员的替代人选,目前名单上有Andre Gomes & Kante 但这两人也有其他
◆ The Times http://imgur.com/X4jiJlJ
◆ The Times 保罗Hirst http://imgur.com/a/GvXC6
Mourinho昨天记者会表示 俱乐部愿意提供Giggs任何重要职位,据了解这个版本的
Giggs告诉曼联的是 他很失望没能得到曼联manager的工作,但尽管他有这样的野心
接近Rooney的人士透露 他已经准备好迎接挑战 非常乐于踢Mourinho指定的位置。
◆ 曼联相官 Craig Norwood http://imgur.com/8Prb7kQ
呜呜 Dimarzio 扣分....
◆ M.E.N Samuel Luckhurst http://imgur.com/zNru2FO
Roissy-en-Brie 每隔六个星期都会去看望她的儿子,另一位双胞胎兄弟Mathias 他
为苏格兰俱乐部Partick Thistle效力,离曼彻斯特只有三个半小时的车程。
即便外界认为Pogba更想要加入皇马 但据了解如果尤文决定要在今夏卖掉Pogba 他会
'高高兴兴地前往曼联'。Pogba的爸爸在上周末形容转会皇马是个'有趣的选择' 然而
Mourinho昨天证实了Samuel五月时的报导,他想要加强曼联的四个位置 也几乎证实
俱乐部正在努力签下Pogba。因为竞争激烈 Mourinho起初是持悲观的态度,但俱乐部
特地飞回曼彻斯特见自己的前队友Luke Giverin.
上个月为了优先处理Pogba, Mourinho否决Pjanic的转会 球员后来加入尤文,最终
Pogba的赞助商Adidas同样敏锐地观察到整起转会传闻,无论是曼联or皇马 他们都很
仅次于Steph Curry。
据报导Pogba三月才与Adidas签下新合约 总价逼近€4m
◆ L'Equipe 队报 http://imgur.com/oFYzInN
PSG的物理治疗师Dario Fort目前正在和俱乐部协议离职
◆ Le Parisien http://imgur.com/42lUePn
他会考虑加入的大俱乐部邀约。大俱乐部包括曼联Chelsea City 热刺 Arsenal。
◆ The SUN https://goo.gl/dErQzm
◆ The Guardian Daniel Taylor http://imgur.com/TOAvpFV
另外并透露曼联已经加快速度试图签下第四名新援 DT认为是Pogba。Woodward今天
飞往Monaco 正在与Raiola进行面对面谈判,主要在敲定Mkhitaryan的薪水问题。
◆ Sky Sports http://imgur.com/B7Yqny5
Sir Alex
他带领两支不同的球队赢得欧冠 每家他待过的俱乐部都拿过联赛冠军 你不能忽视
他的记录 我认为曼联对他来说是家合适的俱乐部。"
◆ Medio Tiempo http://imgur.com/cODSNwC
Hirving Lozano老爸
发生的事情,只是推测他们有很大的兴趣 但一直没有官方or具体的报价。我认为
◆ L'Equipe Guillaume Dufy http://imgur.com/Pulcxj1
Dufy: 但他确实是Mourinho的转会目标
有人问他要花多少钱? Dufy: €25m/£21.26m
◆ Mourinho专访 part 2
"I'm going to try in these next two weeks to give the players I have my
basic principles, maybe not the full dynamic."
"I hope so [bring excitement back] one of my characteristics is to adapt
to what I have in hand."
"Even losing, I'm sure United fans remember some of my teams who came to
Old Trafford, Chelsea 05/06, Madrid in the CL."
"I don't defend that a manager should have a style of play, managers have
to adapt a style to the reality."
"I like ball possession as a way to be more vertical not as a statistic."
"I hope in the last minutes of games that fans support us chasing or
defending a result."
"The games are important but not important to win, they are important for
different reasons."
"At Wigan I will be bringing guys I don't know like Axel (Tuanzebe)
I trust Nicky Butt, I have to accelerate these young guys' process."
"Then we go to China that is more important to Asian fans than ourselves."
"I will take the English boys that I didn't think would be back so soon
but I won't play them. It's about being together."
"It is a difficult situation for a new manager but we can't run away from
it, this is what we have. I will short some processes"
"My principles won't be difficult for the players to understand."
◆ MUTV https://goo.gl/8PmIKa
Paddy Crerand又说溜嘴啦! "据说第四人曾经待过曼联"
◆ MUTV http://goo.gl/6Z3OGS
Mourinho专访 part 1
"I am desperate (to return), I like the work I'm doing in the office but
everything has a limit, I reached the limit."
"I want to be on the pitch, not every player is here but I have a group
waiting for me on Thurs, they will feel my passion."
"I felt immediately the people love the club, I was with other clubs, good
clubs but I have never felt this passion before."
"Man United I felt immediately that there is a huge passion for the club.
People here love to be nice and show they want to work."
"The staff here are proud to say the name of the club and how many years
they have been here, it is a big emotional connection."
"I could compare him with some players I've worked with previously but
I don't want to do it."
"He is a player we believe has all the attributes, he is very strong and
fast and that isn't easy to find in a big guy."
"He has played as a right-back which develops the attacking side.My only
question mark is lack of experience in big club"
"Is Eric ready to come here and perform from day one? I don't know. It is
my job to erase those question marks."
#Ibrahimovic & Rashford
"He's 34. Rashford is 18. Neither age is perfect for striker but combined
it's perfect"
"34 + 18 divided by 2 gives you the perfect age of a striker.They can be
amazing complement for each other"
"Zlatan is Zlatan. He wins year after year. His goal record is amazing,
his passion for the game is amazing. This is the biggest challenge of his
"When you coach someone and then have them years later, it is a beautiful
thing. It shows the relationship was so good"
"I'm so happy to be with him again because I know what he can bring to
the club"
"We want to play a different way to last season, Mr Van Gaal is a top
manager, his philosophy is very clear, mine is different. My philosophy
is different, not better, but different."
◆ Canal+ Canal+王牌 Pierre Menes http://imgur.com/ZU9kilD
据我了解 曼联与拜仁都想要Matuidi 为了得到他愿意不惜一切代价。
◆ Sky Sports Paul Vinnell http://imgur.com/baJONeu
◆ Tour 2016
7/16 Wigan
7/22 Borussia Dortmund
7/25 Manchester City
7/30 Galatasaray
8/3 鲁尼纪念赛
8/7 社区盾
◆ 曼联 http://imgur.com/VRp2MFk
Tour 2016 再新增一场
台湾时间: 7/16 20:30
地点: DW Stadium
对手: Wigan
◆ MUTV Stewart Gardner http://imgur.com/npxmP8E
台湾时间周三凌晨01:30 Mourinho MUTV专访
◆ YouTube https://goo.gl/mBm2ym
Mourinho首场记者会 25分钟完整版
◆ 曼联 http://imgur.com/jJD5ILM
◆ Mourinho Instagram http://imgur.com/qQ72tpy
1) lets go
◆ b/r https://goo.gl/lRv4f0 影片
◆ The Telegraph 姆斯Ducker 90% http://imgur.com/P271S4T
◆ 曼联 https://goo.gl/2FcMtl
Welcome to Old Trafford, Jose Mourinho!
◆ 补充
Mourinho #Rooney
"maybe not a No.9 but with me never a No.6, 50 metres away from the [goal]
he will be a 9, 10, 9 and a-half, not even an 8 ..."
"You can tell me his pass is amazing but my pass is amazing too
without pressure."
◆ Mourinho
"The other two times I was arriving in a country, this is different,
I was sacked and I stayed in the same country, same league."
"This is nothing new for me, I am arriving at a club that is difficult to
describe, it is difficult to find the words."
"This is not a dream job, this is reality, I am Man United manager,
the reality is that this is a job everyone wants. I have it."
"I know the responsibility, I know the expectation. I know what fans expect
from me. I think this challenge doesn't make me nervous"
"I feel very well prepared, very stable and I have great motivation. I am
where I want to be, I want to be in this club."
"I feel a bit frustrated that I am not playing Champions League, I am
chasing Sir Alex CL record for matches."
"Hopefully it is only one season we are not there. Man United is a
Champions League club. In July 2017 we have to make sure we aren't waiting
for the Europa League draw."
"It depends on the way you want to look at it, I was never good hiding
behind words or philosophies."
"It would be pragmatic to say let's work and lets try to be back in the CL
but I'm not good at that, I prefer to be aggressive. It is more aggressive
that I will say I want to win."
"I imagine questions about my style of play are coming. Playing well is
scoring more goals and conceding less than your opponent.I want everything
I want to win matches, I want to play well and play young players, I want
the fans to be behind us."
"I want fans behind us in the last 10 minutes when we chase a result or we
are defending a result."
"There are some managers that last title was 10 years ago, some of them
never. Last time for me was 1 yr. If I have a lot to prove then imagine
the others. I would never be able to work without success, that is my
"In big clubs and I've worked in some before, United is a completely
different dimension, United fans had success as routine."
"The last three years I want everyone to forget. I don't wan't the players
thinking they have to do better."
"To finish 4th is better than last season but I don't want the players to
think that, that's not the aim."
"I was in trouble for the last five months at Chelsea, it was a disaster."
"The third player is already official? No, okay, the third player will be
official soon."
"We made a nucleus of four priority positions to give a certain balance
to the squad, to give a push in terms of quality."
"Especially the ones with more vision, I am a manager who likes specialist
and not multifunctional players."
"I like one or two multifunctional players for when you are in trouble
during a season."
"Basically I want specialists, we decided 4 targets so far we have 3.
Until we don't have the 4th we are still working hard."
"When we have the 4th I breathe, we all breathe and then the market will be
open, we wont get the 4th on 31st August."
"The players that I keep have to be happy, imagine first match I don't
select somebody and they get disappointed."
"If somebody leaves then somebody has to come in, there is a fundamental
"We are doing well, we are getting the players we want. We have the 3rd and
hopefully we get the 4th."
"The legacy from Leicester is now we are in a competition where 20 teams
are fighting for the title."
"Leicester have killed the word collapse. To speak about one manager or one
club or I don't like the word, one enemy isn't right."
"In Spain it was a two horse race, now it's three but then it was two.
Then it makes sense to have a rivalry."
"If you focus too much on one opponent the others will be laughing.
I won't be a part of it."
"I share so many incredible moments with Chelsea fans, I am now manager of
the biggest club in the UK. I am focused on us."
"To answer your question will take 10 minutes. I knew this was coming"
"I have promoted 49 players from youth academies, you want to know who they
are? I can give you this list, 49 players."
"The reality is that it isn't my responsibility that he isn't here."
"The job Giggs wanted was given to me. Ryan wanted to be Manchester United
"Ed Woodward gave me the job, that isn't my fault. Ryan made his decision.
The club wanted to give Ryan any important job in the club but he made a
brave decision."
"It wasn't easy for me to leave Barcelona, it is a step for Ryan to leave
his home, 29yrs isn't 29 days, he was brave, good luck"
"If one day Ryan wants to come back whilst I'm here, I will always say yes."
#Sir ALEX的建议
"Bring the umbrella and yesterday I couldn't believe it was raining at the
training ground, great advice."
"He told me to bring my best wine, now we are going to be together a lot.
When his holidays are finished we will have time."
"His opinion is an important opinion for me. So many legends love the club
they are pundits so every opinion is important"
"I think in football there are many jobs on field, one that is most
difficult to find is the guy who puts ball in net."
"It is normal that a player his age has to change. His natural appetite to
score never changes, so maybe he isn't striker anymore."
"For me he will never be a no.6. It is easy to pass without pressure.
He will be 9, 10 or 9+1/2."
◆ http://imgur.com/nzzXJq7
Mourinho at OT
即使挂病号 也要起来见见老板....
MUTV http://goo.gl/yiXFwh
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