Q: I activate Gideon Jura's 0 ability and enchant him with Swift
Reconfiguration to turn him into a Vehicle. If I use his 0 ability on a later
turn, what does he turn into?
A: Aha, a question about layers! The interesting layer to focus on is layer
4, where all the type-changing goodness is happening. We have the effect from
Swift Reconfiguration and Gideon Jura's own effect, and the two effects
aren't dependent on one another, so we apply them in timestamp order. Swift
Reconfiguration changes his type and subtype to Artifact — Vehicle, and
nothing else. Gideon's own effect turns him into a Human Soldier creature
that's still a planeswalker, but that "still a planeswalker" bit actually
just means "in addition to whatever types and subtypes he has", so it doesn't
turn him back into a planeswalker. The resulting type line is Artifact
Creature — Human Soldier Vehicle, which is a bit odd, but perfectly legal.