[情报] MTGA 下周开始开放轮替后标准

楼主: FelReaver (居于门户之物)   2021-07-03 19:08:26
We are also starting Standard 2022 Play and Standard 2022 Ranked
Best-of-One queues, where the older Standard sets are already out and only
Zendikar Rising forward is legal. These modes give you a great chance to get
a preview of what the post-rotation Standard might look like or just try out
an alternate take on Standard. These will both start with the Adventures
in the Forgotten Realms release and run until Standard rotation in September.
另外FNM at home要改叫Midweek Magic并改到礼拜二跟礼拜三了。其他地方不变。第一场
Midweek Magic从7/13开始。
Pioneer Masters暂停,至少到明年都不会实装。
作者: Phater (肥特)   2021-07-03 22:38:00
要跟mutate, adventure和cycling说再见了
楼主: FelReaver (居于门户之物)   2021-07-04 00:47:00
苏勒台通牒死去、红快威胁性砍半其实红快还要看AFR啦,但是少掉艾卓那几只暴力卡...底密尔盗贼应该也是半死不活当前meta牌组影响最小的应该是白单 不过少掉狗也是挺伤喔还有伊捷巨龙。只(?)要补8~12张轮替出现的洞
作者: cms6384 (生死有命)   2021-07-04 01:59:00
不 我的劲锋
作者: RoastSaury (香烤秋刀鱼)   2021-07-04 10:53:00
作者: martinmask (Michael)   2021-07-06 13:54:00
循环就组新的排我的循环也没了 耕到现在就是准备要打新系列献开了

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