[交易] 标准小卖

楼主: maydayalex (救我愛力克斯)   2017-10-13 01:19:07
CM 幻想转交
凡命旋轴 Axis of Mortality 1c 30 1fe 80
托卡特理仪队兵 Tocatli Honor Guard 3c1e 20
晓阳化生 Wakening Sun's Avatar 1c1e 50
处理残迹 Settle the Wreckage 2c 120 1fc 售闪 180
摄魂旋律 Entrancing Melody 2c 10
咒语欺诈 Spell Swindle 5c 50
波涛护卫柯帕拉 Kopala, Warden of Waves 2c1e 40
凡丝轰击炮阵 Vance's Blasting Cannons 1c 50
喧闹船员 Rowdy Crew 2c 40
莽闯暴猛龙 Rampaging Ferocidon 1c 90
阳禽祝愿 Sunbird's Invocation 2c1e 10 1fc 80
剑尖外交 Sword-Point Diplomacy 4c1j 10
噬尸食腐龙 Deathgorge Scavenger 4c 130
伊替莫成长仪式 Growing Rites of Itlimoc 1c1j 200
帝王龙首领 Regisaur Alpha 2c 130
烈阳化身基撒斯 Gishath , Sun's Avatar 1e 150
贝克蒂霸司总帅 Admiral Beckett Brass 1c 70
玛甘屠夫沃娜 Vona, Butcher of Magan 1c 120
雷霆之声提莎娜 Tishana, Voice of Thunder 1c 60
冰河要塞 Glacial Fortress 1c 100
龙颅山峰 Dragonskull Summit 1c1e 70
奇术罗盘 Thaumatic Compass 1c1j 40
探源匕首 Dowsing Dagger 2c1e 50
得胜者战旗 Vanquisher's Banner 1c1e 50
征服者巨帆船 Conqueror's Galleon 2c1e 10
无主领地 Unclaimed Territory 3c3e 40
息暴塞连 Siren Stormtamer 7c 10
逼上跳板 Walk the Plank 2c 10 1fe 70
点破咒语 Spell Pierce 4c 5 1fc 100
FNM 闪双面吸血鬼token 3fc 20
兽群君王 Pride Sovereign 1fc 售闪 100
拉慕拿开挖人 Ramunap Excavator 1c 80 1fe 150 特闪一套 4fc 450
聪智斗士 Champion of Wits 2e2j 70 1fe 120
崩碎心智 Fraying Sanity 1c 50 1fc 售闪 100
幻影魔镜 Mirage Mirror 1c1e 60
威严狞猫 Regal Caracal 2e1j 70
灼灵法师 Soul-Scar Mage 2e1j 70
灼热双日 Sweltering Suns 1e 70 1fe 120
护谜史芬斯 Curator of Mysteries 1fc 40
往生//复返 Never // Return 3c3e 50
恐怖游尸 Dread Wanderer 1fc 售闪 80
无畏神罗纳斯 Rhonas the Indomitable 1c1e 300
罗夏河恩泽 Bounty of the Luxa 1fe 售闪1fc 50
恶臭水塘 Fetid Pools 1c 220
岩壁灌丛 Sheltered Thicket 1c1e 150
遭诅者领主 Lord of the Accursed 2c1e 10 1fc 80
斥逐 Cast Out 3c 20
送终一击 Fatal Push FNM 2fc 300
资深建筑师斯勒姆 Sram, Senior Edificer 1fe 70
卡丽泽夫的专才Kari Zev's Expertise 4c2e 10
汹涌巨械 Torrential Gearhulk 1c 450 1sc 400 (lp
执政官威权 Authority of the Consuls 1c1e 100
熏灭 Fumigate 1c1e 100
乙太枢纽 Aether Hub FNM 4fc 100
凛仇索霖 Sorin, Grim Nemesis 1e 100
不休饥渴钨拉莫 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger 1c 300
劫特叛徒卡力塔 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet 1e 300
撒拉入圣僧 Serra Ascendant 1fc 450
惩罚地脉 Leyline of Punishment 1c 50
顽强巴洛西 Obstinate Baloth 1c 40
审判末日 Day of Judgment 1c 40

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