幻灭时刻 售闪 R MR (英+中) 30元以下买10送1

楼主: FLYMARS   2017-07-16 15:30:13
HOU Hour of Devastation-幻灭时刻
(白色8 MR-2 R-6)
[HOU]002 Adorned Pouncer-佩饰扑击猫 3c1E 20 1售闪 50
[HOU]003 Angel of Condemnation-判罪天使 1E 20
[HOU]006 (MR)Crested Sunmare-华冠日魇 2c1E 120 1售闪 390
[HOU]010 Djeru, With Eyes Open-彻悟的杰鲁 3c3E 10 2售闪 60
[HOU]015 Hour of Revelation-预示时刻 2c1J 20
[HOU]018 Oketra's Last Mercy-欧柯塔临终慈悯2E 25
[HOU]019 (MR)Overwhelming Splendor-非凡壮景 2c 70
[HOU]022 Solemnity-肃然致哀 4c2E 150
(蓝色7 MR-1 R-6)
[HOU]031 Champion of Wits-聪智斗士 2c3E 40 1售闪 50
[HOU]035 Fraying Sanity-崩碎心智
[HOU]036 Hour of Eternity-永恒时刻 2E 20
[HOU]039 Kefnet's Last Word-刻法涅临终谕令 3E 20
[HOU]040 Nimble Obstructionist-巧手干扰师 1c2E 100 1售闪 300
[HOU]050 Swarm Intelligence-虫群智慧 2E 10
[HOU]052 (MR)Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign-羊芬斯君王乌纳许 2售闪 150
(黑色7 MR-1 R-6)
[HOU]057 Ammit Eternal-永生阿米特 2E 50 1售闪 150
[HOU]058 Apocalypse Demon-末日恶魔 2c1E1J 10 1售闪 50
[HOU]060 Bontu's Last Reckoning-芭图临终报复 1E 120 1售闪 300
[HOU]063 Dreamstealer-窃梦师 1c2E15 15
[HOU]065 Hour of Glory-荣光时刻 3E 15
[HOU]073 (MR)Razaketh, the Foulblooded-秽血拉扎柯 1c1J 150
[HOU]077 Torment of Hailfire-火雹灾难 2c2E 70 1FC 300
(红色7 MR-1 R-6)
[HOU]087 Chaos Maw-混沌喉怪 3c2E 15 1售闪 50
[HOU]090 Earthshaker Khenra-撼地胡狼人2c 20 3售闪 80
[HOU]096 Hazoret's Undying Fury-哈佐蕾无尽怒火 1c3E 15 1售闪 60
[HOU]097 Hour of Devastation-幻灭时刻 2E 220
[HOU]098 Imminent Doom-灾祸临头 4E 15
[HOU]104 (MR)Neheb, the Eternal-永生内赫布
[HOU]109 Wildfire Eternal-野火永生者 1c 20
(绿色8 MR-2 R-6)
[HOU]120 Hour of Promise-允诺时刻 3c2E 45 2售闪 200
[HOU]122 (MR)Majestic Myriarch-威严万兽王
[HOU]126 Pride Sovereign-兽群君王3c4E 45 1售闪 180
[HOU]129 Ramunap Excavator-拉慕拿开挖人 2c4E 180 1FC 480
[HOU]130 Ramunap Hydra-拉慕拿多头龙 4c1E 15
[HOU]131 Resilient Khenra-活力胡狼人 2c3E 15
[HOU]132 Rhonas's Last Stand罗纳斯临终奋击 2E 40 1FE 150
[HOU]137 (MR)Uncage the Menagerie-放生兽群 1c 90
(多色10 MR-5 R-5)
[HOU]139 (MR)The Locust God-蝗虫神 2c1J 220
[HOU]140 (MR)Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh-法老神尼可波拉斯 1c 550
[HOU]144 (MR)Samut, the Tested-受炼撒姆特 2c 120
[HOU]145 (MR)The Scarab God-甲虫神
[HOU]146 (MR)The Scorpion God-毒蝎神 1c 150
[HOU]153 Leave//Chance-弃掷//孤注 2c 30
[HOU]154 Reason//Believe-理性//相信 1C 10
[HOU]155 Grind//Dust-碾成//齑粉 1c2E 50 1售闪60
[HOU]156 Refuse//Cooperate-拒绝//合作 1c1E 10
[HOU]157 Driven//Despair-陷入//绝望 1C2E 20 售闪 50 1正闪 50
(神器4 R-4)
[HOU]158 Abandoned Sarcophagus-遭弃石椁 3E 20
[HOU]161 God-Pharaoh's Gift-法老神赋礼 1E 15 1售闪 70
[HOU]163 Hollow One-空壳石椁 2c70 1售闪 270
[HOU]165 Mirage Mirror-幻影魔镜 5c1E 90 1售闪 450
(地牌3 R-3)
[HOU]176 Endless Sands-无际沙漠 1c1E 20
[HOU]178 Hostile Desert-敌意沙漠 4c 30
[HOU]182 Scavenger Grounds-荒骨咒土 3C2E 30 1售闪60
wrath od god 1100
Aether Vial 4200
Oblivion Stone 遗忘石 1500
Chrome Mox 1400
Gauntlet of Power 900
Vedalken Shackles 800
Rings of Brighthearth 1400
Entomb 入土 900
dark ritual 黑暗祭礼 1200
Chain Lightning 连锁闪电 700
Diabolic Edict 1000
送终一击 2J1c 200 3张一起带 550
闷燃沼地 (红黑gg)8C 1E 90 1FE 150 4张一组300
烬火林地 (红绿gg)10C 90 1售现中文闪 130 4张一组300
沉落幽谷 (蓝黑gg)5c 90
沃源溪流 1FC 150
漫游喷发孔 1c3E 150 4张一起 500
林木瀑布 2C 1E 40 1FC 80 4张一起170
嘶响湿沼 4C 120 4张一起400
花开沼地(黑绿) 9c 200
尖塔涯天渠 1c1E 240
隐密庭院 3C 170
植物圣所 4C 150
启迪胜地 2C 140
逃墓僵尸 1C1J 120 2中文售限闪 150 一起带算500 送一张闪僵尸token
战墓巨像 1C 70
黑暗之攫 1FE 90
阿芒凯闪全图地 1张 200(可挑色) 1套 5色 各1张 1000
全图地1张20元1套 5色 50元 有c有e
(白色10 MR-3 R-7)
[AKH]001 (MR)Angel of Sanctions-惩戒天使 2C 120
[AKH]002 Anointed Procession-圣洗者行列 3C 100
[AKH]004 Approach of the Second Sun-神日迫临 1c 20
[AKH]005 Aven Mindcensor-艾文核灵师
[AKH]014 (MR)Gideon of the Trials-祀炼基定 4C1e 450 1fe 1000
[AKH]015 Gideon's Intervention-基定的干预 3C 10 1fe 50
[AKH]016 Gloy-Bound Initiate-崇耀祀徒 1c 20 1fj 100
[AKH]021 (MR)Oketra the True-真信神欧柯塔 1c 90
[AKH]024 Regal Caracal-威严狞猫 3C 15 1售闪 50
(蓝色9 MR-2 R-7)
[AKH]042 (MR)As Foretold-预示成真 1c200 1正闪 800
[AKH]049 Curator of Mysteries-护谜史芬斯 1c 20
[AKH]051 Drake Haven-龙兽庇护地 1c2e 50
[AKH]055 Glyph Keeper-图符守护者 4C 10
[AKH]059 (MR)Kefnet the Mindful-心智神刻法涅
[AKH]063 New Perspectives-全新观点 4C 40
[AKH]065 Pull from Tomorrow-取自明日 2c1j 120
[AKH]074 Vizier of Many Faces-多面维齐尔 3C 10 1售闪 50
(黑色10 MR-3 R-7)
[AKH]078 Archfiend of Ifnir-依法尼大恶魔 2C3e 20 盒闪50
[AKH]082 (MR)Bontu the Glorified-荣光神芭图
[AKH]084 (MR)Cruel Reality-残酷现实 1C1e 30
[AKH]086 Dispossess-强取豪夺
[AKH]088 Dread Wanderer-恐怖游尸 1c 150
[AKH]097 (MR)Liliana, Death's Majesty-亡者女王莉莲娜 1C 450
[AKH]098 Liliana's Mastery-莉莲娜的掌控 1c 100
[AKH]104 Plague Belcher-疫病喷发兽 4C1e 80
[AKH]107 Shadow of the Grave-坟场阴影 1C 40
(红色10 MR-3 R-7)
[AKH]125 (MR)Combat Celebrant-战斗主祭
[AKH]133 (MR)Glorious End-光荣就义 1c 50
[AKH]134 Glorybringer-终耀巨龙 2c 150
[AKH]135 Harsh Mentor-严厉明师 2C 100
[AKH]136 (MR)Hazoret the Fervent-狂热神哈佐蕾 1c 240
[AKH]137 Hazoret's Favor-哈佐蕾的眷顾 2C1e 10
[AKH]138 Heart-Piercer Manticore-穿心蝎狮 5C 20
[AKH]148 Soul-Scar Mage- 1j 50
[AKH]149 Sweltering Suns-灼热双日
(绿色9 MR-2 R-7)
[AKH]159 Champion of Rhonas-罗纳斯的斗士 2e 30
[AKH]160 Channeler Initiate-联能祀徒 2C 60
[AKH]170 Harvest Season-丰收季节 5C 20
[AKH]172 Honored Hydra-赐耀多头龙
[AKH]180 Prowling Serpopard-觅食蛇豹
[AKH]182 (MR)Rhonas the Indomitable-无畏神罗纳斯
[AKH]183 Sandwurm Convergence-沙丘亚龙巢群
[AKH]192 (MR)Vizier of the Menagerie-司兽维齐尔 3C1j 200
(多色11 MR-2 R-9)
[AKH]196 Bounty of the Luxa-罗夏河恩泽
[AKH]199 Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons-司毒维齐尔哈芭恰 5c 20
[AKH]203 Neheb, the Worthy-豪英内赫布 4C1e1j 10
[AKH]204 (MR)Nissa, Steward of Elements-地源守护妮莎
[AKH]205 (MR)Samut, Voice of Dissent-逆徒之声撒姆特 1C 50
[AKH]207 Temmet, Vizier of Naktamum-拿塔蒙维齐尔蒂穆特 5C1e 10
[AKH]210 Dusk/Dawn-暮死/朝生
[AKH]211 Commit/Memory-寄托/记忆 4C 60
[AKH]212 Never/Return-往生/复返
[AKH]213 Insult/Injury-侮辱/致伤 3e 20 1售闪50
[AKH]214 Mouth/Feed-张口/待哺6C 10
[AKH]220 Prepare/Fight-备战/互斗 5C2e 10
[AKH]221 Failure/Comply-无所/适从 3C1e 15
[AKH]222 Rags/Riches-累骨/起家 1C 10
[AKH]223 Cut/Ribbons-割斩/碎身
[AKH]224 Heaven/Earth-劈天/盖地3C2e 10
(神器3 R-3)
[AKH]234 Oracle's Vault-先知秘窖 2C1E10 特闪50
[AKH]235 Pyramid of the Pantheon-五神金字塔
[AKH]237 Throne of the God-Pharaoh-法老神王座 3c 1e 20
(地牌6 R-6)
[AKH]239 Canyon Slough-峡谷腐沼 1J 80
[AKH]240 Cascading Cataracts-飞流巨瀑 2c 50
[AKH]243 Fetid Pools-恶臭水塘 4C 100
[AKH]245 Irrigated Farmland-漫灌农地
[AKH]247 Scattered Groves-星散树丛 4C1E 80
[AKH]248 Sheltered Thicket-岩壁灌丛 3C 80
英文闪卡 6,14,15,25,26,32,43,47,53,77,85,91,111,
不倦追迹人 2C1J 180 1售现中文闪 220
最终救星莉莲娜 2C 1000
残酷劫掠者 3C1E 480
墓寡妇伊什卡娜1C2E 150 1FE 300
护教军异端莎利雅 4fc盒闪 150
绚烂复生 1c4e 50 1fe 150
受福协作 2c3e3j 50

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