BlueNEO (围巾跟耳机是本体!)
2016-11-13 00:50:12台北可CM 艾克米转交
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汹涌巨械(蓝钢弹) Torrential Gearhulk 1c 500
琐物大师 Master Trinketeer 1c 10
集团私贩 Syndicate Trafficker 1c 10
乙太风祖怪 Aethersquall Ancient 1c 20
入城钥匙 1c 10 1fc 20
佚失遗物 Lost Legacy 1c 10
新创天使 Angel of Invention 1c 80
终结竞争 Eliminate the Competition 1c 10
存疑挑战 Dubious Challenge 1fc 20
花开沼地 Blooming Marsh 1c 140
植物圣所 Botanical Sanctum 1c 110
尖塔崖天渠 Spirebluff Canal 1c 270
晚市警戒员 Night Market Lookout 1fc 10
制甲艺评审 Armorcraft Judge 1fc 10
沼泽 256 swamp 1fc 20
Forgotten Ancient 1e 150
Birds of Paradise 1e 150
首领集群 Assembled Alphas 1c 15
血厅僧侣 Bloodhall Priest 1Fc 100
精进讲师 Docent of Perfection 1Fc 75
无害献物 Harmless Offering 2c 30
禁锢于月 Imprisoned in the Moon 1c 20
莉莲娜的誓约 Oath of Liliana 1e 15
褴褛祟魂 Tattered Haunter 1Fc 10
蛮荒林求生家 Backwoods Survivalists 1Fc 10
怪奇吸血鬼 Weirded Vampire 1Fc 10
苍鹭风华席嘉妲 Sigarda, Heron's Grace 2c1J 60
古训智者 Sage of Ancient Lore 1c 10
时刻戒护 Always Watching 2c 60
吞噬海岸 Engulf the Shore 1c 30
确认疑点 Confirm Suspicions 1e 10
内火自燃 Burn from Within 1e 10
焰刃天使 Flameblade Angel 1c 10
瓶中脑 Brain in a Jar 2c 30
腐化墓碑 Corrupted Grafstone 1e 10
匿迹拷问人 Elusive Tormentor 1c(开盒闪)15
艾维欣的裁决 Avacyn's Judgment 1c 15
掌驭风暴 Harness the Storm 1c 15
纵恶魔鬼 Sin Prodder 1e 30
基尔山贼 Geier Reach Bandit 1c 40
月主会元帅欧吉克 Odric, Lunarch Marshal 1c 15
噬魂亚龙 Soul Swallower 1c 10
无情亡者 Relentless Dead 1c 330
持续探查 Ongoing Investigation 1fc 20
受诅巫婆 Accursed Witch 1fc 20
沃达连斗客 Voldaren Duelist 1fc 20
高贵吸血鬼 Vampire Noble 1fc 20
血嗔吸血鬼 Bloodmad Vampire 1fe 20
怪诞树木 Weirding Wood 1fe 20
型态欺瞒体 Deceiver of Form 2c 10 1c(售现闪)15
遗迹潜师裘黎恩 Jori En, Ruin Diver 1c 15
晶石阵列 Hedron Alignment 1c 10
拟态奥札奇 Eldrazi Mimic 1c 20
杰斯的誓约 Oath of Jace 1c 20
强令奥札奇 Eldrazi Obligator 1c 15
压倒性拒斥 Overwhelming Denial 1c 10
恐怖秽体 Dread Defiler 2c 10
终结恶体 Endbringer 1c 10
筛颅恶体 Sifter of Skulls 1c 10
狂搅塑形师诺言达 Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper 1c 15
古坠兹督军 Guul Draz Overseer 1e 10
阿库姆残虐者 Akoum Hellkite 1e 10
野蛮驱逐 Brutal Expulsion 1c 10
加以感化 Exert Influence 1c 10
枯萎牧体 Blight Herder 2e 15
明灯斥候 Lantern scout 1e 20
召兽学者 Beastcaller savant 1e 15
伙伴营地 Ally Encampment 1c 20
闷燃沼地 Smoldering Marsh 1c 100
墓刃劫掠者 Graveblade Marauder 1c(售现闪)20
司凯族狂战士 Scab-Clan Berserker 1c(售现闪)20
茜卓扬焰 Chandra's Ignition 1c 10
库忒昂杂牌军 Kytheon's Irregulars 1c 10
烈焰术士护目镜 Pyromancer's Goggles 1c 100
精巧火术 Exquisite Firecraft 1c 60
热融漩涡 Molten Vortex 1c 10
吞魔多头龙 Managorger Hydra 1c 30
基定的方阵兵团 Gideon's Phalanx 1c 10
物灵师之剑 Sword of the Animist 2c1j 50
亚维马雅海岸 Yavimaya Coast 4c 40(M15x3 ORIx1)
战场镕炉 Battlefield Forge 1c 30
日灼龙侯 Sunscorch Regent 1c1e 10
雷光翼龙 Boltwing Marauder 1c1e 10
权威之光 Gleam of Authority 1e 10