[交易] 卖卖牌 (Modern为主)

楼主: gooopier (谷屁)   2016-04-14 16:30:15
无特别注明皆为near mint以上卡相
卡牌查询 http://magiccards.info/
天使礼盒 Akroma, Angel of Wrath(忿怒天使爱若玛) 150 (换牌可抵200)
天使礼盒 Akroma, Angel of Fury(怒火天使爱若玛) 100 (换牌可抵150)
未拆封天使礼盒 From the Vault: Angels Box Set 1500
Eldrazi Displacer(奥札奇挪移体) 50 (换牌可抵70)
(一般闪卡)Through the Breach(穿越裂罅) 1600 *1fe
(FNM闪卡)Brainstorm(脑力激荡) 1600 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Boom // Bust(暴起//炸裂) 650 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Sleight of Hand(变戏法)(9ED) 650 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Leyline of the Void(虚空地脉)(GPT) 550 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Eldrazi Temple(奥札奇殿堂)(ROE) 500 *1fj
(一般闪卡)Darien, King of Kjeldor(奇亚多王达利安) 500 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Death's Shadow(死亡阴影) 450 *1fe
(纪念闪卡)Marit Lage Token(玛莉雷基指示物) 400 *2fe
(一般闪卡)Gilder Bairn(缀林童子) 350 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Teneb, the Harvester(拾殇龙王天涅) 350 *1fe
(FNM闪卡)Reanimate(活尸法) 350 *2fe
(一般闪卡)Magus of the Tabernacle(大礼拜堂贤者) 300 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Gilt-Leaf Archdruid(金叶高位德鲁伊) 300 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Training Grounds(训练场) 300 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Expedition Map(探险地图)(ZEN) 250 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Vorosh, the Hunter(出猎龙王伏罗) 200 *1fe
(FNM闪卡)Isochron Scepter(等时权杖) 200 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Goblin Bushwhacker(开路鬼怪) 200 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Pyretic Ritual(热病祭礼) 150 *2fe
(一般闪卡)Mycoloth(真菌洛西) 150 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Heedless One(无忌尊者) 100 *1fe
(一般闪卡)Wild Slash(猛烈飞斩) 70 *1fc
Worship(崇拜)(7ED) 350 *1e
Worship(崇拜)(8ED) 350 *2e
Worship(崇拜)(9ED) 350 *1e
Angel's Grace(天使恩典)(TSP) 250 *1e
Ajani Goldmane(金鬃阿耶尼)(M11) 200 *1c
Akroma, Angel of Wrath(忿怒天使爱若玛)(TSB) 120 *2e
Boon Reflection(恩泽映像) 120 *3e
Admonition Angel(告诫天使) 120 *1e
Magus of the Tabernacle(大礼拜堂贤者) 100 *1e
Isamaru, Hound of Konda(今田猎犬勇丸) 100 *2e
Leyline of Anticipation(先制地脉) 200 *2c
Hedron Crab(晶石蟹) 70 *5e
Bloodghast(可怖血妖) 450 *1e
Leyline of the Void(虚空地脉)(M11) 200 *4c
Darkness(黑暗)(TSB) 150 *1e
Surgical Extraction(手术摘除)(NPH) 150 *1c
Lord of the Void(虚空领主) 70 *1c
Legion Loyalist(忠贞军团兵) 250 *2c
Simian Spirit Guide(猿猴精灵向导) 200 *3e
Akroma, Angel of Fury(怒火天使爱若玛)(PLC) 100 *2e
Chandra Nalaar(茜卓纳拉)(M11) 100 *3c
Shatterstorm(粉碎风暴)(10E) 100 *1e
Wheel of Fate(宿命之轮) 70 *3c
Rift Bolt(时缝之雷)(TSP) 50 *5e
Lightning Bolt(闪电击)(M11) 50 *1c
Flames of the Blood Hand(血手众焰波) 50 *3e
Omnath, Locus of Mana(魔力核欧那斯)(WWK) 250 *1e
Birds of Paradise(天堂鸟)(M12)(角角有折伤) 150 *1c
Gilt-Leaf Archdruid(金叶高位德鲁伊) 100 *1e
Ancient Stirrings(唤醒古物) 70 *1j
Nettle Sentinel(荨麻原哨兵) 50 *1j
Doran, the Siege Tower(攻城塔杜蓝)(LWN)(有轮抽记号) 200 *1e
Vexing Shusher(嘘声捣乱人) 150 *4e
Maelstrom Nexus(涡心连结点) 150 *1e
Uril, the Miststalker(雾潜者雾离) 120 *1e
Ashenmoor Liege(灰原王侯) 100 *1e
Mayael's Aria(梅燕的咏叹调) 100 *1e
Wheel of Sun and Moon(日月回轮) 100 *1e
Reaper King(夺命王者) 100 *4e
Conflux(聚流) 70 *1e
Eldrazi Conscription(奥札奇征召) 350 *1e
Platinum Angel(白金天使)(10E) 200 *2e
Platinum Angel(白金天使)(M11) 200 *1j
Coat of Arms(武装外衣)(8ED白框) 200 *1c
Amulet of Vigor(活力护身符) 150 *1e
Helm of Kaldra(卡尔札之盔) 100 *1e
Relic of Progenitus(祖神兽遗宝)(ALA) 100 *4e
Chromatic Star(五彩星)(TSP) 100 *8e
Chromatic Star(五彩星)(XED) 100 *2e
Lotus Petal(莲花瓣) 100 *1c
Tendo Ice Bridge(天户冰桥) 400 *1sc
Raging Ravine(奔腾深谷) 400 *1e
Dryad Arbor(树灵乔木) 250 *1e1sc
Blinkmoth Nexus(光蛾连结点)(DST) 250 *3e
Adarkar Wastes(阿达卡荒野)(6ED) 250 *1c1e1sc
Eldrazi Temple(奥札奇殿堂)(ROE) 120 *1j
Secluded Glen(隐僻幽谷) 100 *4e
Urza's Tower(克撒的塔)(8ED) 70 *3e1c
Urza's Mine(克撒的矿脉)(8ED) 70 *2e
Urza's Power Plant(克撒的动力炉)(9ED) 70 *2e
Tectonic Edge(地壳边境)(WWK) 50 *4e

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