Archangel of Tithes 什一税大天使 2C 450
Hallowed Moonlight 圣洁月光 1C 120
Knight of the White Orchid 白兰骑士 3C 50
Kytheon, Hero of Akros 阿喀洛斯英雄库忒昂 1C 500
Relic Seeker 遗宝探寻客 1C 90
Sigil of the Empty Throne 虚位印记 6C 90
Starfield of Nyx 尼兹星域 1C1E 180
Vryn Wingmare 维林翼驹 2C 50
Alhammarret, High Arbiter 高等仲裁者阿哈玛瑞特 1C 10
Day's Undoing 重启一日 2C 480
Disciple of the Ring 环塔门徒 3C 100
Harbinger of the Tides 潮兆人鱼 1C1E 120
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 维林逸才杰斯 1C1E 600
Jace's Sanctum 杰斯的圣所 3C2E 30
Mizzium Meddler 米捷干涉师 2C1E 30
Talent of the Telepath 读心天赋 2C2E 20
Thopter Spy Network 振翼机情报网
Willbreaker 破志师 4C 10
Dark Petition 求诸黑暗 4C 90
Demonic Pact 恶魔契约
Despoiler of Souls 掠灵怪 2C 10
Erebos's Titan 厄睿柏斯的泰坦 2C2E 300
Languish 衰萎 1E 300
Liliana, Heretical Healer 异端治疗师莉莲娜 1C 750
Tainted Remedy 染毒疗法 3C 30
Abbot of Keral Keep 科瑞尔要塞僧长 3C 70
Avaricious Dragon 贪戾巨龙 3C 190
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh 卡拉德许之火茜卓
Exquisite Firecraft 精巧火术 4C1E 100
Goblin Piledriver 监军鬼怪 3C 380
Pia and Kiran Nalaar 琵雅纳拉与基岚纳拉 1C 50
Animist's Awakening 物灵师唤醒 8C1E 90
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen 金叶猎领德维恩 1C1E 40
Evolutionary Leap 飞跃进化 3C 150
Gaea's Revenge 盖亚复仇灵
Herald of the Pantheon 诸神传令使 4C3E 60
Honored Hierarch 荣耀大主教 5C2E 80
Managorger Hydra 吞魔多头龙 3C 40
Helm of the Gods 诸神之盔 3C1E 10
Mage-Ring Responder 法师环塔守卫 2C 10
Pyromancer's Goggles 烈焰术士护目镜 2C 100
Sword of the Animist 物灵师之剑 3C 100
Battlefield Forge 战场镕炉 5C 90
Caves of Koilos 喀洛斯洞窟 1C 40
Llanowar Wastes 罗堰荒野 3C 50
Shivan Reef 西瓦暗礁 2C1E 90
Yavimaya Coast 亚维马雅海岸 6C1E 50
Gnarlroot Trapper 瘤根怖陷人 8C2E 10
Magmatic Insight 岩浆洞察 2E 20
Ravaging Blaze 肆虐火光 3C4E 10
Shaman of the Pack 猎群祭师 9C3E 60
Yoked Ox 负轭牛 1FC 20
Sphinx's Tutelage 史芬斯的指导 1FC 100
Fiery Impulse 爆裂冲动 1FC 50
Aerial Volley 对空齐射 1FE 30
Elvish Visionary 妖精幻视师 1FC 30
Citadel Castellan 殿堂监守 1FC 50
Iroas's Champion 伊洛安斯的斗士 1FC 40
Evolving Wilds 成形野地 1FC 20
Hixus, Prison Warden 典狱长希瑟思 1FC 80
Relic Seeker 遗宝探寻客 1FC promo 180
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 维林逸才杰斯 1FC 2000
Soulblade Djinn 魂刃巨灵 1FC 30
Animist's Awakening 物灵师唤醒 1FE 300
Evolutionary Leap 飞跃进化 1FC1FE 600
Outland Colossus 离乡巨汉 1FC 30
Orbs of Warding 卫护法球 1FC1FE 50