
楼主: playflame (翔)   2015-04-20 18:05:38
Dragonlord Silumgar 1e 450
Dragonlord Dromoka 1e 200
Haven of the Spirit Dragon 1e/1c 120
Icefall Regent 2c 100
Sylvan Caryatid 3e 220
Stormbreath Dragon 4e 500
Narset, Enlightened Master 1fe(非售现) 400
Vendilion Clique 请站内信谈
Monastery Mentor 1fc/fj 1000/1500
Dig Through Time 2fc 700
Treasure Cruise 2fc 700
Deathbringer Thoctar 1fe 50
Blood Moon 1fe/fj 1100/?
Tel-Jilad Stylus 1e/1fe 10/30
Junktroller 1fe 30
公馆可面交/幻想转交 欢迎站内信讨论
作者: ReiFan (说好的秒速5公分呢?)   2015-04-20 18:15:00
Narset, Enlightened Master 1fe(非售现) 400....啊我搞错啦 没事别理我
作者: jetk4555 (cactus)   2015-04-26 08:39:00

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