brioche (brioche)
2015-01-05 14:15:28邮寄邮资30元,CM面交转交
星绒绵羊 闪卡 50
火树族祭师 闪卡 150
攫取思绪 闪卡 换牌抵1800 不闪换牌抵600
突发衰败 换牌抵 200 闪的请报价
[KTK]031 (秘稀)Wingmate Roc-翼伴洛克鸟 4c 250
[KTK]034 (秘稀)Clever Impersonator-机敏冒名客 1c1e 100
[KTK]049 (秘稀)Pearl Lake Ancient-珠湖祖怪 3c 50
[KTK]072 (秘稀)Empty the Pits-清空地穴 4c4e 100
[KTK]099 (秘稀)Ashcloud Phoenix-烬云凤凰 1c 100
[KTK]119 (秘稀)Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker-龙语者萨坎 4c 430
[KTK]136 (秘稀)Hooded Hydra-顶盖多头龙 1c 70
[KTK]149 (秘稀)See the Unwritten-传言具现 4c 100
[KTK]163 (秘稀)Anafenza, the Foremost-首领阿娜芬札 2c1e 120 1j 150
[KTK]190 (秘稀)Narset, Enlightened Master-悟道大师娜尔施 4c2e 50
[KTK]199 (秘稀)Sidisi, Brood Tyrant-族群暴君谢迪西 4c2e 150
[KTK]202 (秘稀)Sorin, Solemn Visitor-庄严访客索霖 4c 480
[KTK]206 (秘稀)Surrak Dragonclaw-龙爪苏拉克 4c 60
[KTK]214 (秘稀)Zurgo Helmsmasher-碎盔珠高 1e 30
[KTK]227 (秘稀)Ugin's Nexus-乌金连结点 2c 50
(地5 R-5)找地地整套8200
[KTK]230 Bloodstained Mire-血斑泥沼 4c 400
[KTK]233 Flooded Strand-潮没水滨 4c 550
[KTK]239 Polluted Delta-聚污三角洲 4c 500
[KTK]248 Windswept Heath-风袭荒地 4c 450
[KTK]249 Wooded Foothills-繁茂丘陵 4c 400
(白 R-4)
[KTK]008 End Hostilities-止战宁息 4c 50 1j 70
[KTK]012 Herald of Anafenza-阿娜芬札传令使 2c 5
[KTK]013 High Sentinels of Arashin-阿拉辛高等哨兵 1c 10
[KTK]018 Master of Pearls-珍珠大师 3c1e 5
(蓝 R-4)
[KTK]036 Dig Through Time-历时挖掘 4c 220
[KTK]042 Icy Blast-寒冰冲击 4c1e 5
[KTK]045 Kheru Spellsnatcher-赫鲁窃咒者 3c 5
[KTK]058 Thousand Winds-千风灵 2c2e 5
(黑 R-4)
[KTK]066 Bloodsoaked Champion-浴血斗士 4c 50
[KTK]073 Grim Haruspex-阴森肠占师 4c4e 20
[KTK]082 Necropolis Fiend-古陵寝邪鬼 4c1e 10
[KTK]085 Retribution of the Ancients-先人报偿 1c2e 10
(红 R-4)
[KTK]106 Crater's Claws-山口龙爪 4c2e 10
[KTK]108 Dragon-Style Twins-龙拳双子 1e 5
[KTK]112 Howl of the Horde-部落怒嚎 4c1e 10
[KTK]113 Jeering Instigator-嘲讽煽动者 4c1e 10
(绿 R-4)
[KTK]133 Hardened Scales-坚固鳞甲 2c 10
[KTK]141 Meandering Towershell-曲行塔壳龟 4c2e 5
[KTK]144 Rattleclaw Mystic-缀爪秘教徒 4c4e 80
[KTK]154 Trail of Mystery-神秘踪迹 1c3e 10
(多色 R-25)
[KTK]160 Abzan Ascendancy-阿布赞霸权 4c3e 20
[KTK]164 Ankle Shanker-断踝鬼怪 2c1e 5
[KTK]166 Avalanche Tusker-崩击獠象 1c 5
[KTK]168 Butcher of the Horde-部落屠夫 4c1e 80 4j 100
[KTK]171 Crackling Doom-裂响终末 4c2e 50
[KTK]173 Deflecting Palm-馈击掌 3c2e 20
[KTK]174 Duneblast-尘沙暴 3e 10
[KTK]176 Flying Crane Technique-鹤形掌 3c3e 5
[KTK]179 Ivorytusk Fortress-要塞战象 4c4e 5
[KTK]180 Jeskai Ascendancy-洁斯凯霸权 4c4e 100
[KTK]182 Kheru Lich Lord-赫鲁巫妖领主 3c1e 5
[KTK]184 Mantis Rider-飞螳骑兵 4c3e 70
[KTK]185 Mardu Ascendancy-玛尔都霸权 3c1e 20
[KTK]189 Mindswipe-涤灵焰 2c 10
[KTK]192 Rakshasa Deathdealer-送终罗刹 4c2e 30
[KTK]193 Rakshasa Vizier-罗刹元老 2c 10
[KTK]195 Sage of the Inward Eye-心目智者 2c2e 10
[KTK]196 Sagu Mauler-萨谷虐杀兽 4c2e 10
[KTK]197 Savage Knuckleblade-蛮野指套剑手 4c 50
[KTK]200 Siege Rhino-攻城犀牛 4c 150
[KTK]203 Sultai Ascendancy-苏勒台霸权 4c4e 10
[KTK]207 Temur Ascendancy-铁木尔霸权 3c2e 10
[KTK]209 Trap Essence-诱捕菁华
[KTK]210 Utter End-彻底终结 4c3e 70
[KTK]211 Villainous Wealth-不义之财 4c2e 10
(神器 R-3)
[KTK]216 Altar of the Brood-族群祭坛 4c4e 10
[KTK]219 Dragon Throne of Tarkir-鞑契龙座 2c2e 10 1c(特别闪卡) 30
[KTK]220 Ghostfire Blade-灵火剑
CU卡 ( CU卡买三送一张10元CU卡 )
Hordeling Outburst 族人爆发 4c 20
Seeker of the Way 灵道探求者 *4c 10
Treasure Cruise 宝船巡游 *4c 10
Murderous Cut 夺魂斩 *4c 10
Monastery Swiftspear 寺院迅矛僧 *4c 60
Abzan Charm 阿布赞护符 *4c 10
Jeskai Charm 洁斯凯护符 *4c 10
Mardu Charm 玛尔都护符 *4c 5
Sultai Charm 苏勒台护符 *4c 10
Temur Charm 铁木尔护符 *4c 10
杰出队长 4e 50
塞洛斯之魂 1c 120
Liliana Vess 莉莲娜维斯 2e 250
Chandra, Pyromaster 火焰大师茜卓 4e 250
鬼怪闹事头 4e 400
山德拉之魂 2e 50
赞迪卡之魂 1c 50
蜂后 2c 100
Yavimaya Coast 亚维玛雅海岸 3e 150
Llanowar Wastes 罗堰荒野 2c1e 200 1j 230
Battlefield Forge 战场镕炉 2c 250
Shivan Reef 西瓦暗礁 3c 200
喀洛斯洞窟 4c2e 150
时光智者 2c3e 80
焰语预言师 1c2e 80
英雄明师阿耶尼 1c 500
渡亡神雅睿欧斯 1c 180
疫病殿堂 2c2e 300
顿悟殿堂 1c 250
俄瑞恣狮王布黎玛 3e 750 3j 800
克罗芬斯的骏马 3c1e 350
破浪奇奥拉 4c 350
Temple of Plenty 丰足殿堂 2c3e 130 4j 150
Temple of Malice 恶意殿堂 4c 100 4j 130
Temple of Enlightenment 启蒙殿堂 1c 130 4j 150
旭日天尊艾紫培 2c 600
[THS] Chained to the Rocks 链锁岩上
[THS] Heliod, God of the Sun 太阳神赫利欧德 1j 100
[THS] Soldier of the Pantheon 万神殿卫 4e 50
[THS] Spear of Heliod 赫利欧德的长矛 1e1c 30
[THS] Bident of Thassa 塔萨的双叉戟 6e1c 20
[THS] Prognostic Sphinx 先知史芬斯 4c 30
英雄殉身 4c 300
[THS] Nighthowler 夜嚎怪 4e 10
[THS] Thoughtseize 攫取思绪 4e 700
[THS] Whip of Erebos 厄睿柏斯的神鞭 4c 120
(秘稀)Stormbreath Dragon-岚息巨龙 1e 400
[THS] Anger of the Gods 众神之怒 1c3e 120
[THS] Firedrinker Satyr 饮火羊蹄人 1c1e 50
[THS] Hammer of Purphoros 普罗烽斯的神锤 4e 20
秘稀)Nylea, God of the Hunt-猎神倪勒娅
[THS] Arbor Colossus 乔木巨像 2c2c 20
[THS] Boon Satyr 蒙恩羊蹄人 4e1c 40
[THS] Sylvan Caryatid 森林女像柱 4c1e 250
Mistcutter Hydra 破雾多头龙 1e 50
[THS] Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver 织魇师安梭苛
[THS] Fleecemane Lion 绒毛狮 3c 50
[THS] Medomai the Ageless 永生者墨冬迈 1e 50
[THS] Prophet of Kruphix 克鲁菲斯的先知 4e 50
[THS] Xenagos, the Reveler 贪欢者谢纳戈斯 1e 200
[THS] Pyxis of Pandemonium 魔异盒 1fc 20
[THS] Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 夜天神殿尼索斯 1e1c 150
[THS] Temple of Abandon 离弃殿堂 4c 120
[THS] Temple of Deceit 诡诈殿堂 4e2c 120
[THS] Temple of Mystery 神秘殿堂 4c 100
[THS] Temple of Silence 静寂殿堂 4c 120
[THS] Temple of Triumph 胜利殿堂 4e2c 120
Snapcaster Mage 迅咒法师 3e4c 900
Goblin Piledriver 监军鬼怪 1e2c 450
Goblin Sharpshooter 鬼怪神射手 2e 80
Inquisition of Kozilek寇基雷的?? 4e 150
Gifts Ungiven 4e 150
Bribery贿络 1e 450
Argothian Gnchantress 2e 450
Grand Abolisher 止咒高僧 1e 150
诞生荚 4c 300
Academy Rector 1e 600
Mindslicer 削心兽 1e 30
Scalding Tarn 2e 1500
撒拉的圣域 1e 800
Gaea's Cradle 盖亚育苗地 1j 4500
Tolarian Academy 陶拉里亚大学院 1e 700
Wurmcoil Engine亚龙卷引擎 2e 450
True-Name Nemesis 1e 700
Batterskull颅击槌 2e 650
Spoils of Victory战利品 1c 100
帮厨奥夫 Kitchen Finks 3e 150
蛮野觉醒 2e 30
蔑咒兽 2c 500
柯帮金库Cabal Coffers 1j 350
堕落者瓦拉司Volrath the Fall 4e 30
漩涡战士Whirlpool Warrior 4e 30