[问题] App 功能被当成 bug 被拒

楼主: yr (Sooner Born Sooner Bred)   2015-01-29 17:28:13
是这样的,我有个 App 类似内建的天气,可以选不同站,然后显示
把这 extension 打开,就会显示错误讯息,要使用者到 App 里面
然后我修了一些 bugs 跟 UI 微调,送审,结果被拒了,理由是
2.2 - Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected
细节是 the Today Extension does not reflect the location selected
within the application.
然后附了一张 Today Extension screenshot 跟 App 执行时的 screenshot
(很明显没去设定通知中心部分,不然应该是附上设定的 screenshot 吧)
留的讯息 Next Steps 有写:
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply
to this message in the Resolution Center to provide information on
how these features were intended to work.
然后我就留言解释一下 App 的运作方式了。我想请教大家的问题是,1.有人
遇过类似的问题(功能被当 bug),然后留言解释后审核通过的吗?
2.如果有,重审会拖很久吗?重送一个 build 然后在送审表单里面说明会不
作者: benjenq (Ben(憋))   2015-01-29 22:53:00
楼主: yr (Sooner Born Sooner Bred)   2015-01-29 23:09:00
Ok, 多谢分享经验回报:刚状态已经变成 in-review 现在已经过了 :p 效率不错

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