[问题] 可以用iPhone4 iOS7.1版本做测试机吗?

楼主: bruce620 (o(‧"‧)o)   2014-03-13 16:32:43
有人有使用iPhone4 iOS7.1版本做测试机吗?
今天把iPhone4 iOS4.3一次升到iOS7.1版本后,
选run的时候(有调到iOS Device) 会出现
Xcode cannot run using the selected device
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version .
Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your
application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
我点选windows->organizer 装置是出现黄灯
The version of iOS on "xxxx" is not supported by this installation of
the iOS SDK. please restore the device to a version of the OS listed
below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK;
which is available here( developer.apple.com/iphone/program/download.html)
我的xcode 还是 5.0.2版本的,
请一定要升到最新的 Xcode 5.1 才能发布到 iOS7.1的装置吗?
还是是 iPhone4装 iOS7.1的问题呢?谢谢。
我有试过若run在 ipad mini (iOS 7.0) 版本是可以发布上去的,
且provision的device 两台UDID都有打勾有设置.
作者: johnlinvc (阿翔)   2014-03-13 16:34:00
作者: whitefur (白毛)   2014-03-13 18:05:00
没错 一定要升到Xcode5.1 因为你的compiler不认得iOS7.1
作者: s80199 (PaiChieh)   2014-03-13 20:38:00
作者: HuangJC (吹笛牧童)   2014-03-13 21:23:00
楼主: bruce620 (o(‧"‧)o)   2014-03-13 22:00:00
没错  试了 装5.1才可以~! 感谢各位

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