bobbyx (百战天龙 )
2015-01-07 13:36:43牛仔上周六击败Myles Jury后就说过
依照往例 他要马上再打一场 越快越好
甚至放话要是不给他马上安排下一战他就不离开Vegas XD
过去一年牛仔五战五胜 堪称UFC最佳铁人
递补因为私人因素无法出赛的Eddie Alvarez
"Prepare? S**t, I don't even have enough time to prepare a cake. What are you
talking about, prepare? I'm just going in there fighting. I've got enough
time to cut weight and get to Boston. So there will be no gameplan. Just
fight. That's all there is to do. Short, sweet, and get it over with."
"I guess I could sit back like every other fighter and sit and wait. But I'm
not every other fighter. I'm my own guy, and I don't give a s**t. Bring these
fights on, you know? Like I said, if I'm going to be the champ, I've got to
beat everyone anyways, so what is sitting and waiting and holding my position
完全是为格斗而活的男人阿, 比小鹰还战斗民族
牛仔, 真男人!!