When the Giants announced their six-year extension with third baseman Matt Chapm
an earlier this month, some observers were quick to connect the dots between the
future of president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi and ownership approving
a $151 million commitment to a player.
当巨人队宣布和Matt Chapman签下六年151M大型延长合约后
有些人就想到棒球事务部门总裁Farhan Zaidi和老板间的关系
Surely the Giants’ embattled chief baseball architect’s job is safe if he is n
egotiating franchise-altering contracts, right?
According to sources, the Giants’ executive board led by Buster Posey became so
frustrated by the lack of immediate progress between Zaidi and agent Scott Bora
s after talks began in August that the ownership group took action.
由巨人名将Buster Posey带领的巨人队董事会
对于Zaidi和Matt Chapman经纪人Boras谈判进度感到沮丧(从八月开始谈)
Sources said Posey personally dealt with Chapman to hammer out the basic structu
re of the contract, which includes a full no-trade provision — one of the stick
ing points that Zaidi had
是由Buster Posey本人亲自去和Boras谈妥合约结构