The Miami Marlins, continuing their search for an everyday shortstop, recently m
ade an offer to free agent Tim Anderson, according to sources briefed on the dis
目前正在寻找游击手的马大鱼,根据Ken Rosenthal的情报
他们已经开合约给Tim Anderson了
The White Sox declined his $14 million club option at the end of the season, giv
ing him a $1 million buyout instead.
The Marlins, who recently traded for super utility man Nick Gordon, also have be
en in contact with other free-agent shortstops, including Adalberto Mondesi. A s
hort-term deal with Anderson would be perhaps the most intriguing upside play.
除了Tim Anderson外,马大鱼也有接触Adalberto Mondesi
TA去年成绩大爆炸,还打架被小拉米KO 惨
.245/.286/.296 1HR OPS+60