根据Ken Rosenthal最新这篇
Ohtani fallout (cont.)
At least for one year, the massive deferrals in Shohei Ohtani’s contract with t
he Los Angeles Dodgers will lower the amount his salary counts in the calculatio
n of the qualifying offer.
The amount of the qualifying offer is the average of the top 125 salaries in bas
eball. Ohtani earned $30 million with the Angels last season. For purposes of th
e QO, his salary in his first year with the Dodgers will be calculated as $28 mi
llion, according to sources briefed on the formula.
The methodology used is based on relevant interest rates and changes each year.
The rate that will be applied to the QO calculation next October will be 10 perc
ent. If it falls in subsequent years, Ohtani’s salary in this particular formul
a will rise, helping push the QO higher.
In any case, for those keeping score, we’re up to three different valuations of
Ohtani’s salary in 2024: the one for luxury-tax purposes ($46 million), the on
e the players’ union uses on the agent website ($43.7 million) and the one for
the QO ($28 million).