According to multiple sources, the Red Sox have been been met with a number of r
ejections by some targeted candidates as they seek to find a replacement for Cha
im Bloom, fired in September.
红袜在寻找接替Chaim Bloom继任人选上遇到了困难
And increasingly, sources add, there’s concern about the surrounding infrastruc
ture. The new hire will not only be inheriting manager Alex Cora, whose job has
been guaranteed by ownership for at least 2024, but also, a front office that in
cludes several executives who’ve been part of the organization for more than tw
o decades, along with various other department heads who come with the job.
对接替Chaim Bloom的人来说
One person whom the Red Sox are known to be targeting, multiple industry sources
confirm, is Michael Hill, who has an extensive resumé in the game and for the
last few years has served as MLB’s Senior Vice President of Baseball Operations
. For MLB, Hill is in charge of umpires and on-field discipline. Hill, who playe
d football and baseball at Harvard, was drafted by the Texas Rangers in 1993 and
spent three seasons in the minor leagues
目前其中一个红袜锁定的人选是Michael Hill
It is unknown if Hill has interviewed for the position yet, or even if he has si
gnaled interest in the role.
但目前尚未得知Michael Hill是否已面试过这份工作