The Tigers have officially announced Kelly’s signing and Haase’s DFA, with t
he added detail that Kelly has signed a Major League contract.
老虎正式宣布以一张大联盟约签下了前响尾蛇捕手Carson Kelly ,同时DFA 阵中另一名
捕手Eric Haase 。
The Tigers’ deal with Kelly contains a club option for the 2024 season, accor
ding to The Athletic’s Cody Stavenhagen (via X). The option essentially form
alizes the arbitration control Detroit already held over Kelly’s services, an
d forces the Tigers to make a quicker decision on Kelly’s offseason fate.
Kelly’s club option is worth $3.5MM plus incentives, as per Evan Petzold. Th
is is less than the $4.275MM Kelly made in 2023, and less than the minimal rai
se Kelly would’ve received in arbitration, though it can assumed that Kelly c
an probably make up that salary if he hits his incentive bonuses.
心得:应该就是来当Rogers 的替补的,所以另一名捕手Haase 就被取代掉了。