According to Scott Mitchell of TSN, here's how the fence distances in Toronto wi
ll be changing in time for the 2023 season:
The center field fence distance will be reduced from 400 feet to 397 feet.
The left-center power alley fence will move in from 375 feet to 366 feet.
Most substantially, the fence in the right-center power alley will come in from
375 feet all the way to 357 feet.
1.中外野 400 feet→397 feet(-3 feet)
2.左外野 375 feet→366 feet(-9 feet)
3.右外野 375 feet→357 feet(-18 feet)
In terms of raw distance from home plate, those are extreme changes. However, th
ose alterations will be partly offset by an increase in fence height of varying
dimensions. For example, Shi Davidi recently reported that the fence height at t
he corners in front of the bullpens will increase from 10 feet to 15 feet. That
said, on balance the changes figure to help the many power hitters in the Blue J
ays' lineup.