ff760725 (㊣矮㊣肥㊣丑㊣穷㊣宅)
2021-02-12 18:15:54又到了每年一度的NationalRoastDay
Wendy's @Wendys
Time for everybody’s favorite made up social media holiday. It’s
#NationalRoastDay, like right now.
Drop a “Roast Me” below and feel the burn.
Tampa Bay Rays @RaysBaseball
Go ahead, Wendy. Absolutely roast us. Keep it spicy like your nuggs.
Wendy's @Wendys
We're surprised you didn't pull your social media manager in middle of
writing that great tweet. #NationalRoastDay
这真的很哭爸又紧跟时事,而且Wendy's小编的速度超快 XD