Milwaukee Brewers join Bucks in protest, sit out game vs. Reds after Jacob Blake shooting Jeff Passan @JeffPassan Following the cancellation of the Milwaukee Brewers and Cincinnati Reds game tonight, more teams are discussing the possibility of not playing, sources tell ESPN. Among those currently discussing it: the Seattle Mariners, who have the most Black players of any team in MLB 酿酒人今晚罢赛,不打跟红人的比赛 有更多的球队正在讨论要不要跟进,黑人最多的水手队值得观察 我觉得这件事从NBA蔓延开来,MLB可能也会受到波及影响 无论如何还是希望这季可以顺利打完,这个风波早点落幕 不然今年MLB已经够惨了