[新闻] D.Trump 希望运动赛事在8-9月回归

楼主: tyrone0923 (.......................)   2020-04-06 00:59:02
Adrian Wojnarowski and Adam Schefter report that President Donald Trump told
the sports commissioners on today’s conference call that he hopes that the
leagues can re-open their doors to fans by August or September. The
conference call, as we wrote earlier today, included a who’s-who of sports
Trump reportedly also said that the NFL can open on schedule in September,
and urged the commissioners to work together to lobby for sports-related tax
credits for consumers.
It’s hard to imagine MLB being able to get anything resembling a full season
done if the game doesn’t resume until August or September. Even with the
proposal to play a lot of double-headers in consideration, that would be
asking an awful lot of the players, especially the pitchers. The season could
theoretically stretch on into October, with the playoffs being held in
warm-weather environments and domes in November. Yet that would depend on
COVID-19 being contained in those locations, and would also impact the length
of the offseason. Players would have less time to heal and rest up for next
year’s spring training.
Trump’s benchmarks are also being set without any real sense for the scale
of the pandemic given the abysmal lack of testing taking place to track the
spread of the virus. The CDC and other health outlets within the government
are operating on educated guesses and not hard data. We could have live
sports back by August, or not until November. It’s simply too soon to tell.
The decision to re-open the leagues would not be a light one. Fans will be
eager to get back in the stands after such a long layoff without sports. Live
sporting events pull in tens of thousands of people, and just a handful of
infected fans would be able to let the virus spread like wildfire. The health
of the players is also paramount. Even a single player testing positive for
COVID-19 could derail the nascent season.
One thing is clear, though. If baseball isn’t able to return until
September, we may as well not have a season at all. There’s a very real
chance we won’t be seeing any American baseball until 2021. Now might be a
good time to figure out how to livestream the KBO, which is hoping to start
its season sometime next month.
If you want to learn more about COVID-19, give the CDC’s site about the
virus a read. Informing yourself is the most important step.
每天都是Double Header对球员也很伤,而且还要CDC同意比赛才能开打,
作者: whhw (人有羞耻马无所谓)   2020-04-06 01:01:00
作者: Sulstan (翼鹏)   2020-04-06 01:10:00
都四月了还在讲lack of testing....无语....
作者: yrt3168 (小士)   2020-04-06 01:13:00
8月如果可以打 连半季都打不完....
作者: CPBLlincecum (米国陈汉典)   2020-04-06 01:23:00
干脆把WBC拉到年底 直接取消今年赛季 这样应该大咖都愿意来了吧
作者: flycat638 (飞猫)   2020-04-06 01:25:00
作者: GaryMatthews (G公*)   2020-04-06 01:29:00
不然整个联盟来疫情相对控制的日韩台打 有现成的球场
作者: borriss (松)   2020-04-06 01:49:00
直接打单淘汰 燃烧手臂啊
作者: noahlin (该怎么说呢)   2020-04-06 03:19:00
八月热身 九月开始MLB甲子园
作者: saidon ( )   2020-04-06 03:37:00
作者: a2156700 (斯坦福桥)   2020-04-06 06:03:00
作者: alcard22 (AL)   2020-04-06 06:48:00
作者: crazypeo45 (死刑)   2020-04-06 07:46:00
来亚洲三国打 LUL 这跟某个说四队都在同一个球场比赛一样可笑
作者: davidex (  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔)   2020-04-06 07:58:00
作者: Yginger1 (阿姜好帅)   2020-04-06 09:35:00
道奇: mookie Betts........
作者: asd25 (别闹了)   2020-04-06 10:35:00
美国现在是疫情最严重的国家 今年应该很难开打了每队都很伤吧 薪资怎么乔...
作者: vgil (巴吉)   2020-04-06 10:56:00
作者: blackbrid (blackbrid)   2020-04-06 11:08:00
作者: tomho1202 (never regret)   2020-04-06 11:54:00
8 9月就真的干脆不要打了阿
作者: SuperBMW (超级O奔驰)   2020-04-06 12:31:00
作者: watermelon20 (狼泓雨)   2020-04-06 13:11:00
作者: Asucks (我的老婆是超人)   2020-04-06 13:23:00
作者: ultratimes   2020-04-06 13:29:00
作者: morning78913 (morning78913)   2020-04-06 14:05:00
说个笑话 美国最严重
作者: ironct (江湖规距,九出十三归)   2020-04-06 14:56:00
作者: qozxcv (卷翘睫毛)   2020-04-06 16:38:00
SARS 6月结束啊
作者: whhw (人有羞耻马无所谓)   2020-04-06 19:24:00
作者: borriss (松)   2020-04-06 22:40:00
一个纽约就抵掉很多其他了吧 纽约州都10几万例了
作者: Sulstan (翼鹏)   2020-04-07 03:14:00
纽约疫情这么严峻老实说球季有没有打都是其次了...商女不知亡国恨 隔江犹唱后庭花唐

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