来源: Forbes
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Understanding Aaron Judge’s First Rib Stress Fracture
了解Aaron Judge第一节肋骨的疲劳性骨折
The New York Yankees just can’t seem to escape from the clutches of the
dreaded injury bug.
Yankee’s manager Aaron Boone announced Friday afternoon that 2017 Rookie o f
the Year and MVP runner-up Aaron Judge will be sidelined for at least the
next two weeks after a thorough examination of the right pectoral region
discovered a stress fracture of the first rib. Surgical intervention has not
been ruled out, though Judge will undergo a re-evaluation in the near future
to determine its need, according to James Wagner of The New York Times.
洋基总教练Aaron Boone星期五下午宣布,在经过完整的检查后,这位2017年ROY以及MVP投
票第二名的Aaron Judge的右边胸部位置发现第一节肋骨有疲劳性骨折(Stress fracture)。
目前不排除可能需要手术,但是根据纽时记者James Wagner报导,Judge会在最近再次接受
Stress fractures are the most severe injury on the stress injury continuum
and occur when the cells that repair bone - osteoblasts - are unable to keep
pace with the cells that break down bone - osteoclasts - after the bone has
been exposed to high amounts of repetitive stress. Stress fractures evolve
from untreated or under-treated stress reactions, which often present with
dull, aching pain or, in some cases, may not have significant symptoms at all.