※ 引述《applehpsh ()》之铭言:
: 贼熊继前天滑本垒事件后
: 今天海贼投手Joe Musgrove 直接往二垒手Javier Baez铲下去!
: 一个扫堂腿下去 不过其实很温和 没铲倒人 看起来两方也都没受伤
: https://www.mlb.com/video/benches-clear-in-pittsburgh/c-2100917783
: 比赛结果~ 海贼最后收下胜利
: 投手不用触身球报复 反而是扎扎实实地上垒铲人
: 海贼会是新学校之光吗?
Joe Musgrove on the slide at second base: "I wasn't trying to hurt [Baez] by
any means, but I was trying to go in hard like their guy did, so he should've
got out of the way, I guess."
Joe Musgrove: 我只是想学他们认真打球,
(get out of the way 不知道是字面上的让开,还是什么俚语?)
Javy Baez on Joe Musgrove:
"I’m not saying it was a bad slide, but he just want hard and I asked him, ‘
What was that about?’ And he said, ‘What?’ I said, ‘What was that about?’
He said sorry, or whatever – I don’t even know what he said. He said stuff
to me."
Javy Baez: 我不会说这是错误示范,但他做得有点过头,所以我问他 "这是什么意思"
,他问我:什么? 我再问了他一次,最后他回 sorry 还是什么的,我不确定他说了那些
Musgrove 回休息区后,Diaz 跑去找他击掌 XD
Joe Maddon on the Joe Musgrove slide into 2nd base: “I had no problem with
the slide. I had no issue with the slide.”
Joe Maddon: 我对这滑垒没意见
Maddon on the Musgrove slide, with just a hint of sarcasm: “That’s a New
York play right there. They’ll have to explain it to us. It was very unclear
on the field. I’ll wait to hear the explanation, the official one, tomorrow.
Maddon 偷酸了一下 MLB高层: 我不清楚场上发生了什么事,我等明天官方声明