andy880036s (築牆是一種態度)
2018-02-26 03:09:02Source: Logan Morrison’s guarantee with #Twins is $6.5 million over one
year. Escalators and vesting option could make it $16.5 million over two
同时也有向另一位前队友Alex Cobb招手:
“Both those guys, I think, would help any team. I think it would be smart
for everybody, especially here, to be pursuing them and what they can do. I
mean, everyone’s got a price, and at this point of the offseason I think a
lot of guys want to get back to it.”
“I talked to him the other day; I told him Minnesota’s a nice place,”
Odorizzi said. “I feel for him. It’s hard. The guy had a career year at
the right time and is still jobless. He’ll find his team. He’ll find his
spot. Wherever it is, however the contract breaks down, he’s going to be all
“He’s a good pitcher. It’s not going to matter. He’s going to go out
there and throw well, and if it’s a short deal he’ll get another deal after
that. I have nothing but confidence in Cobb.”
mrkey (è·é›¢å¤ªé æ€å¿µå¤ªè¿‘)
2018-02-26 15:51:00其实两人(EH,MM)要的钱差不了太多EH一直都在$20M AAV 而且还要超长约MM 拒绝 $17.4M 的 QO, 他大概也要$15M-$20M AAV复数年但MM在2016受过大伤, 而EH出道以来, 12-17平均出赛153场再加上EH被视为更好的clubhouse leader, 他会被先抢也不意