[外电] 日职洋将谈大谷翔平(2)

楼主: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2017-12-09 03:10:09
For Ex-Big Leaguers in Japan, Ohtani A Special But Not Invincible Talent
December 08, 2017 By Kyle Glaser
原文发表于Baseball America. https://goo.gl/CF1Rr2
So, is Ohtani ready to step in and be an ace-caliber starting pitcher from
day one? Not quite, in the eyes of the ex-big leaguers who faced him,
although they acknowledge he may get there eventually.
所以,大谷准备好成为王牌等级的先发投手了吗? 在这些前大联盟选手眼中,答案是未
"If you compare him to like a (Yu) Darvish right now, I don't think he's
there yet," said former White Sox and Pirates infielder Brent Morel, who
played parts of six seasons in the majors before moving to the JPPL with Orix
the last two years. "Watching those guys pitch, they just have more of a
repertoire, and it seems like a better command of what they're doing.
Obviously he's younger, maybe skilled more, it's just kind of honing that in
and being more consistent. But it's definitely there."
"He's not Masahiro Tanaka," Sarfate said. "Tanaka faced us in 2013 when I was
with Seibu. He was definitely far more advanced than what Ohtani is, but he
was also a little bit older. If you had said Tanaka (would compete for Cy
Youngs right away), I would've said absolutely. The guy commands three
pitches down in the zone, he's consistent every time he takes the mound;
there's no way Ohtani comes in his first year over and contends for the Cy
"He is better than most guys I see pitch as a fourth or fifth starter. He can
definitely go there and pitch in the big leagues and you can let him have his
ups and downs. If he just worked on pitching, I think then he could be a Cy
Young winner."
And there lies the dilemma Ohtani's suitors face. Ohtani wants to hit and has
a long track record of success hitting in Japan, and teams making recruiting
pitches to him have been forced to get creative to find ways to get him
meaningful at-bats while also pitching. Whether that means days playing the
outfield, serving as a designated hitter or some combination of the two, it's
a schedule and workload that will not be easy.
The reason they are willing to do so is Ohtani's lefthanded power. It can be
jaw dropping to watch, even for ex-big leaguers who have seen Giancarlo
Stanton, Nelson Cruz and other big-time sluggers put on massive power
他们愿意这样做的原因是大谷是个左打者。即使是对看过Giancarlo Stanton、Nelson
"First time I saw him take batting practice was unreal," Romero said. "He was
just hitting the ball with ease. His power is ridiculous. Brandon Laird, who
is on his team, came up to me and was like 'Hey, watch Ohtani's BP,' because
they're in the same hitting group. So I was like all right. He was just
hitting balls opposite field 20 rows up at their stadium, and their stadium
at Sapporo is a pretty legit sized stadium. It's not small by any means, and
he's just oppo 20 rows deep, center field 20 rows deep, and then pull side
he's going like 40 rows, almost on top of the concourse. I'm like, 'That's
just ridiculous.'"
But whether or not Ohtani will be able to get to that power against big
league pitching is an open debate.
Sarfate, for example, has been able to keep Ohtani in check over the five
seasons he's faced him.
"I think I faced him 11 times and I think I gave up a single and triple, and
the single was actually a squiggler down the third-base line that he beat
out." Sarfate said. "He's got decent plate awareness, the only problem I see
him having issues with early on—and he can make the adjustment—is fastballs
in. Japanese guys tend to stay away from him, I think it's a lot of respect
and they don't want to throw a fastball in and break his arm or hit him in
the elbow. I think he's aware of that, that no one pitches him in. I pitch
him in and have had good success going in.
作者: leegogo (李狗狗)   2017-12-09 03:25:00
作者: jack86326 (刚注册成功)   2017-12-09 03:30:00
推翻译 结果全文翻译完就传出当天使(价码未知)
作者: jeter8695 (kuangkuang )   2017-12-09 03:31:00
作者: tim77327 ([no mind])   2017-12-09 04:02:00
推 内角球这点真的是很值得探讨,就看大谷如何去面对了!
作者: a2156700 (斯坦福桥)   2017-12-09 04:04:00
作者: hikaruton (Tonia~黄色希卡鲁)   2017-12-09 07:08:00
作者: aotom (aotom)   2017-12-09 07:20:00
作者: tfrence (秋后文青)   2017-12-09 08:47:00
作者: mightymouse (翻堕罗流大师)   2017-12-09 09:07:00
作者: b99202071 (b99202071)   2017-12-09 09:28:00
作者: melissalewis (龙使弗利兹)   2017-12-09 09:51:00
作者: kevininla ((kevin)   2017-12-09 09:57:00
作者: musk (musk)   2017-12-09 10:07:00
作者: Kydland (RBC)   2017-12-09 10:07:00
正确来说应该是日本投手对上大谷的浅规则就是不能内角所以导致他内角球看得少 而这会形成他们弱点不是单纯的说他内角球打不好这是两个不同的逻辑他不是内角球打不好 而是没看过几颗内角球
作者: Iceseed (冻种标音班)   2017-12-09 10:10:00
作者: BLUEDX (浪)   2017-12-09 10:47:00
作者: leegogo (李狗狗)   2017-12-09 12:06:00
作者: b99202071 (b99202071)   2017-12-09 12:27:00
作者: AandC (86886)   2017-12-09 13:20:00
作者: Raskolnikov (拉斯柯尔尼科夫)   2017-12-09 14:04:00
作者: autechre (autechre)   2017-12-09 14:09:00
看到内角球那段 原来one out讲的都是真的 XDDDD
作者: b99202071 (b99202071)   2017-12-09 17:54:00
作者: kobec (水桶工程师)   2017-12-09 23:37:00

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