ted10 2017-09-21 11:26:12原文网址:http://tinyurl.com/y9n4nrvq by Ben Badler of Baseball American
Raul Mondesi, the former major league outfielder who served as mayor of San
Cristobal in the Dominican Republic from 2010-2016, was sentenced to eight
years in prison on corruption charges, according to multiple reports in the
Dominican Republic. Mondesi was also fined 60 million Dominican pesos, or the
equivalent of around $1.26 million.
前大联盟外野手同时也是2010-2016期间的多明尼加San Cristobal市市长的Raul Mondesi
*后面内容在约略介绍Raul Mondesi的生涯就省略不翻了。*