※ 引述《appshjkli (猫肉球)》之铭言:
: https://twitter.com/Buster_ESPN/status/891630214215630849
: Twins and NYY about to finish Jaime Garcia deal;at the 1-yard-line.
: Talks will continue with Oakland about Sonny Gray, a more expensive add.
: https://twitter.com/Joelsherman1/status/891630340783132672
: Hearing that Jaime Garcia to from #Twins to #Yankees will get done.
: @Jeffpassan 1st that it was close
: https://twitter.com/Feinsand/status/891636699914227713
: RHP Zack Littell, the Yankees' No. 22 prospect according to @MLBPipeline,
: will go to Twins for Garcia.
: Jaime Garcia帮双城丢了一场球后转穿条纹衫
: NYY将农场排名22名的Zack Littell跟Dietrick Enns送到双城
: https://twitter.com/Ken_Rosenthal/status/891633561127800833
: #Yankees still want Gray on top of Garcia. Asked source how it would work
: for NYY. “Still could work but hard deal to make,” meaning Gray.
: Ken Rosenthal说NY依旧持续跟OAK谈Gray
双城拿 Jaime Garcia +Anthony Recker <=> 勇士收 Huascar Ynoa
Recker就是个去年爆发了一下 生涯堪用的捕手
Huascar Ynoa是 双城 NO 22的新秀 才19岁的多明尼加人
离MLB还很远 控球很好 有2个PLUS-PLUS以上的球种 其他资讯就比较少了
从的消息 ,双城除了拿到Zack Littell跟Dietrick Enns还要吃下Garcia本季的剩余薪水
Zack Littell 是NYY农场No. 22的新秀
是属于高中就投入农场培养的新人(来自水手 一个高风险高报酬的中段选秀)
没什么明显优缺点的选手 天花板是4~5号的投手 球探报告Overall: 45
不过今年在A+与AA都有好表现,也许明年很有机会在双城的TOP 10看到他