Zamned (Как дела?)
2017-07-28 21:03:25Physical/Health
Physically large, already muscular at current age, worried somewhat about how
body will look in a few years with added development.
MLB ETA Risk Factor OFP Realistic Role
2019 Moderate 60 Role 5; Quality Regular
Makeup:Hard worker during pre-game, takes his routine seriously.
Tool Future Grade
Hit 60 Hits from an even, balanced stance, loads with a leg lift,
features premium bat speed and incredible wrists,recognizes
pitches early, but will often take most pitches in early
counts. Uses the whole field and works with what pitchers
are throwing at him. Hands work well and can catch up to
velocity and premium off-speed pitches. Future plus hitter.
Power 60 Already features plus-plus raw power, which is rare at such
a young age, could be 80 raw by the time he fully matures.
Has incredible strength and wrists, can take the ball out
from LF-CF, will only get stronger. Doesn't play much over
the fence now because of age,but could hit 30+ HRs at full.
Speed 40 Below-average runner, 4.39 is best time. Will likely lose
a step or more as he matures and ages.
Glove 50 Mobility is limited at third, first-step quickness is
lacking, but when he is on his feet he moves well and can
play the ball as needed. He doesn't charge well and lacks
accuracy on throws from uncomfortable spots. Could see
trying the outfield before moving to first. Still project
a move to first though.
Arm 55 Above-average arm strength, has good line and carry on
throws. Can play on the left side, and in the outfield if
Featuring premium power, advanced feel to hit, and good arm strength, the
only question with Guerrero is where he is going to play. He could improve
himself to be a fringe-average 3B, but could be more playable in either an OF
corner or 1B. Do have to watch weight somewhat as he ages but shouldn't be a
major concern. See as a quality regular at 1B/COF.