Fw: [分享] 同性恋球员在MLB

楼主: OhwadaAkira (真的好想妳)   2016-03-17 23:43:27
Gay Cardinals Minor League player quit baseball when teammates said gays
should be killed
By Cyd Zeigler
After visiting Outsports a few times, I wanted to share my story with you.
在拜访Outsports数次后, 我想告诉你,我的故事
My name's Tyler Dunnington, and I was a 28th-round pick by the St Louis
Cardinals in the 2014 MLB Draft. I was one of the not-so-many players to
be given a chance to pursue my dream of being a Major League Baseball player.
我的名字是Tyler Dunnington,我在2014年选秀第28轮,被圣路易红雀选上。很幸运的,
I was also one of the unfortunate closeted gay athletes who experienced years
of homophobia in the sport I loved. I was able to take most of it with a grain
of salt but towards the end of my career I could tell it was affecting my
relationships with people, my performance, and my overall happiness.
I experienced both coaches and players make remarks on killing gay people
during my time in baseball, and each comment felt like a knife to my heart.
I was miserable in a sport that used to give me life, and ultimately I decided
I needed to hang up my cleats for my own sanity.
After a little over a year of being gone from the game I've come to realize
I thought I was choosing happiness over being miserable. That is not
necessarily the case. My passion still lies in baseball, and removing myself
from the game didn't change that. Most of the greatest memories I have are
with this sport. After gaining acceptance from my friends and family I realized
I didn't have to quit baseball to find happiness.
I not only wanted to share my story but also apologize for not using the stage
I had to help change the game. Quitting isn't the way to handle adversity, and
I admire the other athletes acting as trailblazers.
Dunnington's college career spanned three institutions. The pitcher spent
two years in the community college ranks at Skagit Valley College outside of
Seattle andCollege of Southern Idaho. Then his career took off at Division II
Colorado Mesa College. Keeping his sexual orientation from his teams, he heard
homophobic language in the locker room, the members of the teams having no idea
there was a gay man in their midst. While his overall experiences with each
team were positive, the anti-gay comments didn't help.
立学院走过两年寒暑,之后他的投手人生在NCAA二级Colorado Mesa College起飞。他对
It was comments from a member of one of the coaching staffs - yes, a coach -
that have lingered with him the longest. Somehow chatter one day brewed about
gay people, and the coach made a bragging reference to the brutal murder of
Matthew Shepard.
某天,不知何故,聊天的话题转到同志议题,那位教练针对残无人道的Matthew Shepard
"We kill gay people in Wyoming," the college coach said.
The comment killed Dunnington's spirit
In 2014 Dunnington left Colorado Mesa and headed to the Gulf Coast League
Cardinals, a Florida-based affiliate of the St. Louis team that had drafted
him. Between that team and the State College Spikes, Dunnington finished the
season with a 4-2 record and two saves with an ERA of 3.09.
在2014年,Dunnington离开了Colorado Mesa前往湾岸红雀队,圣路易红雀在佛州的
"He had a good season, statistically, though he was a couple years older than
the average player in his league," said Grant Brisbee, senior baseball writer
at SBNation.
“尽管他比同联盟的球员年纪稍长,惟从数据上来看,他有个不错的赛季“Grant Brisbee
, SBNation的资深写手如是说。
Also along the way came an unfortunate locker-room conversation. One teammate
with the Cardinals mentioned that he has a gay brother. While there was some
supportive talk, two teammates in particular questioned their straight teammate
on how he could possibly be friends with a gay person, even his brother.
They even mentioned ways to kill gay people.
When it came time a year ago to head to Spring Training, Dunnington bowed out.
He was done with baseball. His family was bewildered. Baseball had been part
of Dunninton's identity for most of his life. Not knowing his sexual
orientation or the language he had heard in college and pro locker rooms,
they were dumbfounded.
As Dunnington said in his email to me, he felt he had to choose between
being an out gay man or playing baseball. He was increasingly miserable
in the latter, so he chose the former and retired from baseball after just
one Minor League season.
Homophobic language had driven an MLB prospect from the sport he loved
and the sport at which he excelled. The makings of a Shakespearean tragedy.
Coming out to people in his life over the last 12 months, reading the stories
of other out athletes, and watching the work of Billy Bean in Major League
Baseball, Dunnington now realizes he didn't have to leave baseball to be
openly gay. Even with some harsh language from coaches and teammates, he sees
a community of people like him who provide support. He also sees the shifting
tide in sports and the disconnect between the anti-gay language "jocks"
sometimes use and their deeper adoration for their teammates.
;观看了Billy Bean在MLB官网发表的作品,Dunnington现在知道他不需要为了出柜
With his playing days behind him, Dunnington is now looking to get back into
baseball in a team front office. He attended the MLB Diversity Business
Summit in Phoenix last week, thanks in part to some last-minute wrangling
by Bean and the Sports Equality Foundation. To return to baseball as an out
gay man would, like Bean felt two years ago when he returned to the sport
he loves, be the ultimate validation of his true self.
他参加了上周在凤凰城举行的大联盟多元业务高峰会,而这得归功于Billy Bean和
运动平权基金会在最后一分钟的折冲。如同Billy Bean在两年前做的事─ 以一个出柜
作者: ghoster7 (燃烧的七星魂)   2016-03-17 23:48:00
作者: lef1986 (303)   2016-03-17 23:54:00
Billy Beane 还是Billy Bean?
楼主: OhwadaAkira (真的好想妳)   2016-03-17 23:58:00
Billy Bean,
作者: bgp915117 (Utley)   2016-03-18 00:04:00
推 看了很难过
作者: wjp (Love Mi)   2016-03-18 00:10:00
现役的已出柜球员是不是只有David Denson?
楼主: OhwadaAkira (真的好想妳)   2016-03-18 00:12:00
我查了一下 应该是吧
作者: sft005 (WTF)   2016-03-18 00:16:00
作者: mmmmmfff (发牢骚!)   2016-03-18 00:34:00
天主教已经比基督教能接受同性恋了 至少教宗都表态
作者: leopam (雷欧帕姆)   2016-03-18 01:18:00
作者: ddkkz2003 (eyebear)   2016-03-18 01:30:00
作者: cchris (cruising Panama Canal)   2016-03-18 01:31:00
作者: a88152660 (Erictseng)   2016-03-18 01:40:00
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2016-03-18 01:58:00
traditional America, 没办法
作者: wsx1678904 (哇咧QQ)   2016-03-18 02:02:00
加油 他们虽然失去了自己的棒球梦 但仍然有机会可以为未来的同性恋球员 铺出一条可行的棒球路
作者: KotoriCute (Lovelive!)   2016-03-18 02:53:00
作者: cscnyy940523   2016-03-18 08:26:00
其实天主 基督 佛 道 犹太这些都有不赞成同性恋...医学上来说男同性间的男女关系也远比异性间的不卫生但个人觉得同性恋还是人 还是对他们善但老实讲可以理解为何那些宗教要反对甚至禁止
作者: mmmmmfff (发牢骚!)   2016-03-18 08:33:00
男同性间的男女关系应该是超干净超纯洁的吧 就不爱女的
作者: siliver (奶茶猫~~号:)   2016-03-18 08:39:00
作者: cscnyy940523   2016-03-18 08:39:00
男男是生殖器官对消化器官 男女"正常"是生殖对生殖
作者: siberia (钉子要打进去啦!!)   2016-03-18 08:41:00
作者: Pennyjr (木头人)   2016-03-18 09:10:00
作者: mmmmmfff (发牢骚!)   2016-03-18 09:35:00
我超讨厌慈济和释昭慧 但至少释昭慧愿意帮同志证婚
作者: cscnyy940523   2016-03-18 09:39:00
其实演化论以实证科学路线来说确实已经漏洞百出了当时班上两位台大医的同学对天择说的某些推论过程也觉得争议性极大 更别提地动说跟物种原始论了
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2016-03-18 09:45:00
又开始了(摊) 要不要去看看世界各国的文献中怎么描述这些事情的
作者: newest (C'est la vie~)   2016-03-18 09:47:00
地球只是外星人的殖民地而已 你们在争什么
作者: pantient (白哈哈)   2016-03-18 09:49:00
作者: cscnyy940523   2016-03-18 09:51:00
不用世界各国啦 看看哈佛 耶鲁 剑桥 牛津这些名校为何仍有神学院 以及演化论为何迟迟无法成为"学说"不就略知一二了"或许"演化论不是真理 而神创论也并非Nonsense
作者: mightymouse (翻堕罗流大师)   2016-03-18 10:03:00
作者: newest (C'est la vie~)   2016-03-18 10:04:00
外星人就是神 演化就是神蹟 一切都是外星人的产物
作者: Pennyjr (木头人)   2016-03-18 10:21:00
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2016-03-18 10:52:00
作者: tony123839 (~tony~)   2016-03-18 12:39:00
基本上很多宗教都是反同的 有些人傻傻的不知道不是只有基督教
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2016-03-18 13:00:00
同源的三大宗教都反同啊 但是在台湾另两个宗教人少钱也少 另外基督徒中真正反同的也只是一部分
作者: tonyselina (叫声拔拔)   2016-03-19 00:22:00
别说数字板,光是本板这么和善就是另类了 XD大概是未开季+这篇这样报导了所以不少人选择不呛声
作者: afulet (1岁就很帅)   2016-03-19 11:48:00
作者: cscnyy940523   2016-03-19 12:11:00
作者: afulet (1岁就很帅)   2016-03-19 13:11:00
打个球是会传染aids腻?打个球是会改变性向?是用什么打球这个球员就是暴露球坛环境有问题 是件改善环境的起点可能会是引导好结果的开端 扯一堆有的没有做啥...如果这样恐改变性向,那这球员怎没办异性恋?宗教一堆OO
作者: askewkimo (一路)   2016-03-20 13:46:00
有爱滋的给你守啊! 打篮球谁知道你蛇摸时候碰撞会见血??
作者: ylrafale (ylrafale)   2016-03-20 14:52:00
作者: parn (长不大的小孩)   2016-03-20 15:39:00
作者: cscnyy940523   2016-03-20 18:10:00
同性间(尤其男男)性行为得爱滋机率高于异性间性行为而运动员在竞赛过程中受伤在所难免 如果自己有外伤得爱滋的队友(手)也有外伤 那肢体接触时伤口若接触就有可能中 机率固然低但AIDS决不是任何人想得的...所以运动员这种肢体可能剧烈接触的职业会恐同恐AIDS说实在也不能太苛责他们 用键盘骂他们很容易毕竟...别人的孩子死不完吗
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2016-03-20 19:17:00
作者: cscnyy940523   2016-03-20 19:39:00
总算懂了 解释这种国中健康教育真累人
作者: ylrafale (ylrafale)   2016-03-20 20:21:00
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2016-03-20 20:28:00
我是懂了 懂有些人活的世界和我们是平行的
作者: parn (长不大的小孩)   2016-03-21 02:57:00
作者: cscnyy940523   2016-03-22 04:59:00
"假使真的只有千分之三"那你要不要试试被扎扎看自己会是那幸运的千分之997还是不幸的千分之三?那个的统计数字其实是很多医护人员可能不慎被病患针头划到心里毛毛的报给相关医疗单位然后作追踪统计的那本来很多的病患也没爱滋自然不会感染HIV...要真的刚打完爱滋病患且留有血液的针头你马上拿来刺进自己身体...那机率绝对是远高于千分之三当然随着针头放置在空气中的时间越长机率会越低但有外伤的运动员那根针扎又是另一回事了那血液的量都不是一根针头可以比拟的 如果有爱滋的队友或对手有受外伤 而你自己刚好也又外伤那在触杀或接杀相撞甚至庆祝时真的都会毛毛的...会觉得没差是因为自己不是当事者
作者: ylrafale (ylrafale)   2016-03-22 13:40:00
Super Mega恐同↑

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