b5023556 (b5023556)
2015-09-09 12:26:06The 2016 regular-season schedule was unveiled Tuesday, and once again Pujols'
Angels will not be visiting St. Louis. The same thing happened in 2013, the la
st time the American League West played the National League Central in Interle
ague Play. Instead, the Cardinals will travel to Southern California next seas
on, for a three-game weekday series May 10-12.
So, unless the Angels and Cardinals meet in the World Series, the next chance
the Angels have at playing in Busch Stadium is 2019.
看到天使在红雀主场Busch Stadium出赛已经是2019年的事情了。
Pujols表示:“ Man,I can't wait to get back to St.Louis”“when that time come
s.its going to come at the right tim.I live in St. Loius in the offseason,so I
'm there pretty much half the winter”