[闲聊] Strasburg 2.0

楼主: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2015-09-05 23:19:41
三年前的 Strasburg 关机门
三年后, 出现了 ver 2.0 的情形. 这次是 Matt Harvey.
简单来说, Scott Boras (又是他, 也是 Strasburg 的经纪人)
"公开表示" 根据 James Andrews 和另一位医师的意见,
今年刚从 Tommy John 复原的 Matt Harvey, 不应该丢超过 180 局
而 Matt Harvey 到目前已经丢了 166.1 局
大家都知道 Mets 目前的状况, 以及很有可能有季后赛要打
Mets GM Sandy Alderson 表示: 我们了解, 但我们也问过 Andrews, 而 Boras 根本乱讲
Mets asst. GM John Ricco: 190 局, 然后季后赛给他 "合理的工作量"
难得 Mets 有机会打季后赛 (甚至冲击冠军)
如今却碰上少了一个 Game 1 和 Game 7 的先发的可能
但是为了保护未来的大合约和健康着想, 这也没错.
关? 还是不关?
Scott Boras and the Mets Disagree About Matt Harvey's Innings Limit
MIAMI — Over the winter, as the Mets prepared for Matt Harvey’s first
season back from Tommy John surgery, General Manager Sandy Alderson and Scott
Boras, Harvey’s agent, discussed how the Mets would handle Harvey’s health.
Boras has had other high-profile clients go through the surgery and indicated
to Alderson that he wanted to follow the guidance of Dr. James Andrews, the
renowned orthopedic surgeon who performed Harvey’s surgery. Boras used as an
example Stephen Strasburg, another of his clients. The Washington Nationals
shut Strasburg down late in the 2012 season and kept him out of the
postseason because he had reached his innings limit as a former Tommy John
patient. It was a decision that was debated and scrutinized around the game.
“I told him as the doctors go along, there’s going to be an innings limit,
Boras said Friday as he recounted the conversation with Alderson. “He goes,
‘We understand there’s an innings limit.’ ”
But five months into the season, a sharp disagreement has emerged over that
limit, how much Harvey should pitch in the final month of the campaign and
whether he should pitch in the postseason, which the Mets are poised to make
for the first time in nearly a decade.
While the Mets are likely to have the final say in the matter, the dispute
could have repercussions, perhaps souring their relationship with the most
powerful agent in baseball and perhaps making it even harder to re-sign
Harvey when he becomes a free agent in several years.
On Friday, after word of the disagreement was first reported by Jon Heyman on
CBSSports.com, Boras went on something of a media blitz, contending that
Andrews had recently recommended that Harvey’s innings be capped at 180 for
the year — he is already at 1661/3 — and that if the Mets did not abide by
the doctor’s wishes they would, in Boras’s words, be putting one of their
star pitchers in “peril.”
“I’m not saying what the Mets can or can’t do,” Boras said in a phone
interview. “That’s not my job. I’m letting them know what the medical
opinion is, and that’s it. And when they receive notice of the medical
opinion, who’s accountable for that?”
Despite Boras’s contention that 180 innings should be the limit, which would
effectively keep Harvey out of the postseason and limit him the rest of this
month, the Mets gave no sign on Friday that they would abide by Boras’s
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2015-09-05 23:24:00
作者: uranusjr (←這人是超級笨蛋)   2015-09-05 23:24:00
真的进季后赛应该也是 deGrom 投 Game 1
楼主: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2015-09-05 23:26:00
deGrom 这两三场也有点疲累的现象, Ron/Keith也有提到下周一二三的 Mets @ Nats 又好像有些话题可炒
作者: wahaha5678 (Jç½µ)   2015-09-05 23:26:00
作者: dragon50119 (Bucky)   2015-09-05 23:31:00
推Harvey 私心希望能看他投季后赛啊
作者: uranusjr (←這人是超級笨蛋)   2015-09-05 23:37:00
我是觉得季末可以试着把他们三个人各跳过一两次来调整反正 Matz 下周回来之后也没地方摆
作者: JamesAndrews (要开TJ的请排队)   2015-09-05 23:38:00
作者: uranusjr (←這人是超級笨蛋)   2015-09-05 23:38:00
季后赛甚至可以把 Matz 和 Syndergaard 放牛棚中继两局
作者: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2015-09-05 23:48:00
DeGrom Harvey Mats Syndrgaard 真是奢侈的烦恼阿...
作者: seeyou1002 (寻找冬日最高)   2015-09-05 23:53:00
作者: saiulbb (Becky♪#是我的拉!)   2015-09-05 23:58:00
哀 九月是关键阿 现在关机拼季后赛风险还是有阿QQ
作者: wahaha5678 (Jç½µ)   2015-09-06 00:10:00
作者: DarthVader (黑武士)   2015-09-06 00:12:00
作者: ddt73930 (酋小宇)   2015-09-06 00:15:00
作者: plan1 (Tony)   2015-09-06 00:19:00
无所谓 小熊今年拿冠军
作者: todd7622 (状态显示为脑筋僵化)   2015-09-06 00:22:00
作者: ug945 (ug945)   2015-09-06 00:32:00
作者: l5i9hbba (Zooky)   2015-09-06 01:29:00
作者: shoshobe   2015-09-06 01:45:00
作者: bbcust (bbcust)   2015-09-06 02:01:00
门? 对岸来的?
作者: uranusjr (←這人是超級笨蛋)   2015-09-06 02:08:00
作者: xxx3 (史迪奇)   2015-09-06 02:13:00
作者: ddtcd (专注)   2015-09-06 02:23:00
作者: wahaha5678 (Jç½µ)   2015-09-06 03:54:00
作者: rex830521 (淡江武大郎)   2015-09-06 06:04:00
作者: th11yh23 (脑沙拉手术)   2015-09-06 06:12:00
作者: realmonster (ぼくたちの失败)   2015-09-06 06:51:00
作者: speedoflight (光速)   2015-09-06 07:01:00
作者: ocha (KeNNy)   2015-09-06 07:21:00
作者: mepass (努力浪费人生)   2015-09-06 07:41:00
不管怎样 有季后赛可以打还是要拼一下平时养生不就是为了这时来用的吗
楼主: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2015-09-06 07:54:00
作者: KKyosuke (春日恭介)   2015-09-06 07:59:00
就有人说XX门是对岸用语才扯出芥川龙之介来啊不过...说真格的 芥川龙之介或是三岛由纪夫现在的确已经不流行了 不知道也不是什么怪事
作者: vg175 (非典型廢言)   2015-09-06 08:29:00
看看三年前的国民跟这三年之间的国民 干嘛要关机?
作者: abc12812   2015-09-06 08:35:00
结果Harvey自己也说他的极限是180 IP
作者: IAmaMouse (我是一只老鼠)   2015-09-06 09:40:00
作者: holybebe (神圣鼻鼻)   2015-09-06 09:41:00
作者: DWoods   2015-09-06 09:57:00
作者: Avis (哈八八包)   2015-09-06 10:02:00
美国人也是都用"XX Gate"的爱用者 根本不是大陆用语NFL 的Deflategate 就是最好例子List_of_scandals_with_"-gate"_suffix 维基上面就一堆
作者: vgil (巴吉)   2015-09-06 11:18:00
作者: pig (欢迎加入猪头党)   2015-09-06 11:21:00
作者: ERiC0308QQ (ERiC)   2015-09-06 13:00:00
作者: kenny7998 (UgoKuo)   2015-09-06 13:34:00

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