: 推 globekiller: 某年太空人主场因为淹水改去别人家打 05/05 08:48
: 推 cscnyy940523: 太空人貌似是2006 最后他们将无法闯进季后赛归咎于 05/05 08:51
: → cscnyy940523: 于此安排 05/05 08:52
: 推 ultratimes: 太空人的美丽果淹水还有太空巨蛋可以用干嘛去别人家打 05/05 09:06
: → ultratimes: 又不像Kingdome已经拆掉了 05/05 09:06
Why mention this shit again XDD FFFFFUUUCCCK YOU Bud Selig!!!!!!!
# Astrodoom was not maintain for the baseball game for a long time, so they
can't play there
# most Houston Area was in the water because of Katrina ~.~"
That's why they didn't paly in Houston area.
# Astro was on the very hot streak like 14-1 or 16-2, and came from behind
into wild-card competition with fuuuuckking Selig's Brewers
# Asssssssssssssssssssshole Selig said he did his best to find a Neutral Park
for both team (Astros, Cubs) ........ neutral your monther, Selig!!
WTF Miller park was very close to Chicago and even at Berwers vs. Cubs game
maybe more than 20% are Cubs fan. ~.~"
I never saw cubs fans and brewers fans are sooooooooo close
(they are always fighting at Miller Park XD), but in that game they are
good friends to booooooooooo Astros together XDDD
# Astro players went through water to airport to fly to Milwaukee in very shot
time to play their home game, but Cubs already waited there
# The best choice at that time was Atlanta, because fans there are more neutral
for both theam and Astros player didn't need to travel long way.
But he picked Miller Park for his sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# After that game, Astros played like shit XDDDDDD and lost the wild card.