※ 引述《OoedaoO (eda)》之铭言:
: http://ppt.cc/b0Lx
: Markakis agrees to deal with Braves
: 4Y/44M 勇士这几天很抢戏补上黑娃的缺
Markakis expected to undergo surgery on neck
“Everything, I hear about it, it’s not going to be an issue,” Markakis
said of his neck, which is what caused the Orioles to become wary of offering
him a four-year deal. I don’t have anything now. It’s just a precautionary
thing. We’ll get it taken care of and it shouldn’t be a problem.”
1.零八零零-零九二-零零零 (十字)
3.Grant Balfour表示 http://www.tsna.com.tw/index.php?q=node/48298