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楼主: snake17 (vote orange)   2014-11-05 15:07:26
作者: blockman (超越极限) 看板: MLB
标题: [外电]Chen to pitch in MLB Japan Series
时间: Tue Nov 4 23:02:42 2014
Chen To Pitch In MLB-Japan All-Star Series
by Laymond Schwabasher/ November 04, 2014 at 09:53 AM
Maybe you've heard about the upcoming MLB-Japan All-Star Series.
It's going to be a five-game series between MLB and NPB stars that
takes place in Japan between November 10th and 20th.
This used to happen every even-number year, dating as far back as
1986, but hasn't happened since 2006 due to the emergence of the
World Baseball Classic. But it's back now! And it's pretty cool.
Representing Japan will be the country's national team, known as
"Samurai Japan." The American representation will be made up of
28 star MLB players. The roster's still being filled out, and
Baltimore Orioles ace Wei-Yin Chen is the latest addition.
Chen will get a chance to pitch in Tokyo, which is one of the
cities where the tour will make stops.The other host cities will
be Osaka, Sapporo, and Okinawa.
Chen won't be the only Orioles representative, as Adam Jones is
also expected to participate. Chen is, however, the only big-name
Taiwanese star currently slated to participate as a member of the
MLB side.
It's not entirely clear who all is going to be on the MLB roster,
or how that roster will be determined game-by-game. John Farrell
is the manager, this much we know. Some players have been announced,
with more additions being made seemingly every now and then.
Some of the bigger names for the MLB team: Cano, Evan Longoria, Yasiel
Puig, Bryce Harper, Adam Jones, Iwakuma. Some of the smaller names:
Wada, Chris Capuano, Jeremy Guthrie, Randy Choate, Lucas Duda.
It'll be a bit of an eccentric mix, but hey, nothing wrong with
eccentric. Japanese stars Shohei Otani, Shintaro Fujinami, Tetsuto
Yamada, and Takahiro Norimoto will headline for Samurai Japan.
It's a short series of exhibition games, but there's no reason to think
the resurrected MLB-Japan All-Star Series won't be terrific entertainment.
NPB and MLB are the two most prominent baseball leagues of all time,
and the current era represents a new high-water mark for baseball's
and the current era represents a new high-water mark for baseball's
international presence. There are plenty of former NPB stars on MLB
rosters, and vice versa. Let the intermingling begin!
那这样的对决真是太棒了! Samurai Japan这次精锐尽出,跟岩隈并列光荣
作者: corlos (ナニソレ、イミワカンナ)   2014-11-05 15:08:00
作者: DLCSEA (类钻之海)   2014-11-05 15:09:00
作者: Zamned (Как дела?)   2014-11-05 16:02:00
屡犯且恶性重大 太轻了
作者: yankees733   2014-11-05 16:06:00
作者: best2008 (静香爱洗澡)   2014-11-05 16:07:00
楼主: snake17 (vote orange)   2014-11-05 16:08:00
作者: jefftie2000 (Y.Y)   2014-11-05 16:15:00
应该是不用新增板归吧 就当闹版就好了
作者: waiting0801 (动感光波逼逼逼)   2014-11-05 16:39:00
....15天= =
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2014-11-05 16:52:00
这直接永久吧做一个人的格都没了 恶意窜改是最要不得的
作者: acd51874 (Iwakuma)   2014-11-05 16:53:00
拿这只去棒球版 换中职菇出狱好吗
作者: danny0857 (间黑男)   2014-11-05 17:06:00
这算是第一次做假吗? 版主要不要讨论修改版规
作者: WLR (WLR™)   2014-11-05 17:35:00
作者: jimmily   2014-11-05 17:47:00
作者: taker627 (你马英九吗?)   2014-11-05 17:58:00
作者: fetoyeh (小叶)   2014-11-05 18:22:00
作者: alankira (小艾)   2014-11-05 18:28:00
作者: EEERRIICC (大尾魯蛇)   2014-11-05 18:37:00
作者: hakk (hakk)   2014-11-05 18:54:00
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2014-11-05 19:12:00
作者: newest (C'est la vie~)   2014-11-05 19:15:00
作者: GDBS (打狗)   2014-11-05 20:10:00
作者: ecs01643   2014-11-05 23:45:00
他屡次捏造假消息还判这么轻 怒虚
作者: lordi (Semper Fidelis)   2014-11-06 00:24:00
作者: micotosai (日本语が半人前の俺様)   2014-11-06 00:32:00
作者: best2008 (静香爱洗澡)   2014-11-06 00:33:00
作者: micotosai (日本语が半人前の俺様)   2014-11-06 00:33:00
作者: ronalud (想飞就自在的飞)   2014-11-06 03:25:00
作者: micotosai (日本语が半人前の俺様)   2014-11-07 23:59:00

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