JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)
2014-04-09 09:08:38Batkid returns! Tiny superhero saves Giants home opener by throwing out first
By Mike Oz
还记得去年11月在旧金山拯救市民的Batkid吗?巨人队找他来为AT&T Park开球了
(网页内有图 Cain牵Batkid上投手丘的照片好温馨)
For their home openers, many MLB teams call on greats from the past to throw
out the ceremonial first pitch. The San Francisco Giants, however, beckoned
their city's most beloved superhero.
Batkid, aka Miles Scott, a 5-year-old cancer survivor whose Make-A-Wish day
turned S.F. into Gotham City, was needed at AT&T Park again Tuesday. He had
already saved Giants mascot Lou Seal from the Penguin and now Batkid needed
to fire the first pitch of the 2014 home season for the Giants.
The scene, as it was back in November, was enough to warm your heart and
maybe bring you to tears.
The other 29 MLB teams have their work cut out for them if they want to top
this as best ceremonial first pitch of 2014. Well done, Giants.