入札金上限 $20M, 选手可以和任何开最高价的球队谈
6:04pm: While the maximum posting fee is $20MM, players are free to sign with
any team that ties for the highest bid, Yahoo!'s Jeff Passan tweets. If
that's the case, Passan points out, it will make Tanaka a de facto free
agent, and he will likely receive a large contract.
WEDNESDAY,4:51pm: According to a report from Japanese report passed along by
Patrick Newman of NPB Tracker (on Twitter), the Rakuten Golden Eagles are the
only NPB team to stand against the proposed changes. The Golden Eagles, of
course, are Masahiro Tanaka's team.
3:57pm: According to a Sanspo report passed along by Newman, NPB officials
are planning to accept the $20MM maximum bid and the new posting rules
(Twitter link).
There are conflicting reports on how the team would be selected, as Bill
Shaikin of the L.A. Times wrote this week that the posted player would be
allowed to select from the teams that tie for highest bid.
TUESDAY, 4:50pm: NPB officials are amenable to the idea of a maximum bid, but
not the amount which MLB has proposed, according to a Japanese report passed
on by Patrick Newman of NPB Tracker (Twitter link). Major League officials
are trying to impose a $20MM limit.
12:35am: MLB negotiators' latest proposal for the posting system would
establish a maximum bid and include a provision prioritizing teams with low
records, Sponichi reports (Japanese link). Under the plan, multiple teams
could submit the maximum bid for a player, with negotiating rights going to
the club that had the lowest winning precentage that year. Nippon
Professional Baseball was scheduled to discuss the proposal in a meeting with
the 12 NPB teams on Tuesday.