ARLINGTON, Texas October 17, 2013 (AP)
Nolan Ryan is leaving the Texas Rangers again, stepping away from his CEO
role 20 years after ending his Hall of Fame career as a pitcher.
二十年前,Nolan Ryan以投手的身分离开游骑兵,现在以总管的身分再度离开游骑兵。
In what the team had called a retirement, Ryan said Thursday that he is
resigning as chief executive of the Rangers in a move effective at the end of
this month. He is also selling his ownership stake in the team to co-chairmen
Ray Davis and Bob Simpson.
Nolan Ryan在这个月底前会尽速离职,并且把所有权持股交给两位共同董事Ray Davis
和Bob Simpson
"It closes a chapter of my life in baseball," Ryan said. "I feel like it's
time for me to move on to other things. It's been a decision that weighed on
my heavily, but I feel like it's the right decision. ... At this point and
time, it's the correct thing for me to do."
Nolan Ryan说:‘这是我棒球生涯一小段落的结束,这是个沉重且正确的决定。是时候
Asked about the difference in the team announcing that he was retiring and
him calling it a resignation, the 66-year-old Ryan paused and then said he
wouldn't be the CEO of another major league team and called this perhaps the
"final chapter" of his storied career in baseball.
Nolan Ryan被问到球队宣称他退休和他主动辞职的差别,六十六岁他打断这个话题接着
Ryan's older son, Reid, became president of the Houston Astros earlier this
year. Nolan Ryan dismissed any speculation that he's leaving the Rangers to
join his son and another of the teams he pitched for and worked for in the
Nolan Ryan的长子,Reid Ryan在今年年初入主太空人的经营团队,他本身也曾在太空人
The move takes effect Oct. 31.
Ryan became the 10th president of the Rangers in February 2008 when he was
hired by former owner Tom Hicks. Ryan added the title of CEO three years
later. He was also part of the ownership group that acquired the team in
August 2010, months before its first World Series.
自从2008年二月前游骑兵老板Tom Hicks算起,Nolan Ryan是游骑兵营运团队雇用的第十位
Ryan's departure comes less than a year after ownership gave general manager
Jon Daniels and chief operating officer Rick George new presidential titles
and took the president's title from Ryan.
Nolan Ryan在新总经理Jon Daniels上任一年内离职,而且年初Rick George接手Nolan
Davis insisted the change in Ryan's title earlier this year was just that.
"From a corporation standpoint, Nolan's authority didn't change at all,"
Davis said. "On all major decisions on baseball, Nolan made all final
Davis说:‘年初Nolan Ryan职位的改变没造成任何的影响,从共同董事的角度来看,
Nolan Ryan的权力一点都没有改变,他做出了最后的决定。’
Ryan said the title change wasn't a factor in his decision.
Nolan Ryan说年初职位的改变不影响他现在做出的决定。
"I don't look at it from that perspective," Ryan said. "I just look at it
from where I am in life and what I want to do going forward and that's what
really drove my decision."
Nolan Ryan说:‘我并没有从商业角度看待这件事,我只专注在现在的生活是不是我
George left in July to become the athletic director at the University of
Colorado. Daniels attended the news conference at Rangers Ballpark, but left
without speaking to reporters.
总经理Daniels在Rangers Ballpark发布这项消息,但并没有和记者谈话。
Davis said the ownership group is disappointed with Ryan's decision but
understands it. Simpson said he tried to talk Ryan out of leaving.
Davis说营运团队对Nolan Ryan的离开感到失望,但也理解Nolan Ryan的决定。
Simpson曾经和Nolan Ryan讨论过离职的决定。
"You don't wake up one day and make a decision of this magnitude," Ryan said.
"It was something I've been thinking about on and off for a while now. Just
felt like it was probably time for me to move on."
Nolan Ryan说:‘这决定并不是一天造成的,我有很长一段时间都在思考这件事,现在是
Ryan said he planned to go home and enjoy getting back out to his ranch "and
doing things I haven't done for six years now. ... I don't know what a year
from now might bring. This may be the final chapter of my baseball career."
Nolan Ryan说他计画回家并享受退休生活,做一些这六年来没时间做的事情,我并不知道
Texas made its only two World Series appearances during Ryan's six seasons in
the front office. The Rangers have averaged more than 90 wins the past five
seasons, though they missed the playoffs this year after losing an AL
wild-card tiebreaker game to Tampa Bay.
游骑兵队在Nolan Ryan入主的六个球季中,打进队史仅有的两次世界大赛,尽管今年在
"During times of significant change for the franchise, Nolan has been a
constant — accessible, dedicated and an icon to his fellow Texans who love
our game," Commissioner Bud Selig said. "Nolan's unique perspective as a
legendary player and an accomplished executive has been invaluable to the
Rangers franchise."
从Nolan Ryan入主以来,他一直是游骑兵队的核心人物,受众人爱戴。
Bud Selig说:‘Nolan Ryan不管是身为球员或是球队的经营者,他都是游骑兵队